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A comment on Panday’s Funeral

From supporter with initials AM.

The parking at a distance and the long walk to the crematorium at Mosquito Creek was always going to be a challenge. The procession and the hearse came almost on time. The body arrived some 20 mins late.

It was a long day waiting for Panday’s funeral rites and cremation. There were reminiscences on and about Panday.

But as the body of Panday arrived and the procession started to assemble, the mood of the huge crowd and the aura of the atmosphere changed.

And you could feel that something spectacular was about to unfold. And so it was. The atmosphere was solemn. There was chanting of Hindu mantras in between the music of the Army Band. The police, the army, the coastguard were all dressed in full military gear and the enchanting tassa. Within minutes you went into a trance where you could feel the grandeur of what was unfolding before your very eyes. And it was as if you never wanted the ceremony to end.

The first state Hindu funeral, the organising of it, made you feel very proud of the efforts made by of the State for this first of its kind funeral. And you knew for certain that there would never be a more deserving human being of such grand send off.

(From a founder of Club 88 and the UNC) who funded several of the party’s elections from 1991 onwards.

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