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Relaxing here in the lap of nature’s idyllic benevolence

Marvelling at the majestic seascape in all its glory and grandeur

Listening to the soothing sounds of the fearless winds undauntedly rustling the swaying palm leaves.

And, the calm waves invitingly lapping the white sands of the manicured shore line.

What a precious moment in time to pause and completely surrender to this tranquil respite?

Indeed! A blessed interlude to embrace and get lost in nature’s gracious benovalence

A peaceful respite from the bustling self-imposed demands of life’s pursuits and endless challenges.

The blue azure sky dotted with white clouds unhurriedly sailing to eventually form rain clouds to nurture Mother Earth with its life-giving waters.

A seagull gracefully skim the turquoise waters in search of its food from the bountiful sea.

The beauty and the purity is unmatched and soothe my mind with rapturous thoughts of the divine.

Out in the distance a solitary island temp my imagination to explore its secrets.

Surely, A wondrous moment to reflect and be grateful for my many blessings.

No doubt, a very special opportunity to revel in this magnificent idyllic retreat- a veritable heaven here on earth.

Indeed! a wonderful feeling to experience the tranquility and momentary transcendent freedom from the stress and toxicity of a conflict- ridden world…gone mad.

Cliff Rajkumar
Gracebay- Turks and Caicos

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