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Photo : Leyland Chitlall Roopnaraine

The media is presently flooded with all manner of ‘conflict of interest’ opinions over the ascension of Nigel Huges to the leadership of the Alliance for Change. Leading the pack is none other than the chief honcho and de facto President, who, constantly prevaricates his answers, or in Guyanese lexicon, pronounces like a dirty razor blade, cutting on both sides – often labeled as ‘going’ both ways’.

The ink had scarcely dried on Justice Sandil Kissoon’s decision that EXXON must provide parent guarantee- some US$2.0 billion- for oil spill insurance as stipulated in the EPA when the self-anointed oil expert objected to the decision! It was not EXXON that found the ruling bitter, but someone who purports to represent and protects the welfare of Guyanese: the self-anointed oil expert.

Here is a man who gave his tenant SU some 10,000 acres of mining and forestry land along with multi-million drug supply contracts to a friend without any bidding and dares shout about conflict of interest! Tepui contracting, where his friend Guyana Critic is a major shareholder, was recently awarded an 850 million pump contract, notwithstanding the company is just over a year old and has never built any similar project nor possess the necessary heavy equipment. When questioned, the PPP regime does its familiar dance while sidestepping a few land mines to defend its awarding of this contract, shifting responsibility to the Public Procurement Commission. Well, as my Chemistry teacher at St. Stanislaus Alfred Bhulai will declare the world is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons, and I may add morons.

It is relevant to ash: how many PPP ministers own companies that bid for gov’t contracts? Finally, it is public knowledge that many PPP stalwarts have sought legal services of Nigel Huges; and who knows if his legal prowess will be sought by many more apparchnicks in the PPP, not only for conflict of interest but their principal focus on keeping safe their personal interest.

Leyland Chitlall Roopnaraine

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