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Jai Lall

Jai Lall

So long my friend, once so dear,
Now, no longer are you near.
Your sweet voice, no more will I hear,
What to do, I can only shed a tear.

Your company, precious and rare,
Valuable time, all did share.
Approachable and concerned, you care,
Another one like you, life will not spare.

Many sought friendship, your way, they did steer,
Adore and not ignore, no way did you veer.
Never a reason, you gave anyone to jeer,
Rather, season after season, all did cheer.

A personality of flamboyance and flair,
How well you managed your career and affair.
Whenever you appear, yes, a debonair,
It was to commit and not omit, nor to repair.

Charisma and elegance, points to emulate and adhere,
No more, again, your unique companionship was so sincere.
Nothing, forever lasts, to expire, a hand did interfere,
Farewell pal, somewhere, a prayer serenades you to be elsewhere.

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