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A Why of Caribbean Indian Diaspora

Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

As history has told ‘ US COOLIES’ our first mass exodus by boat, not plane from India happen because of several reasons and conditions prevailing in India in the 18 hundreds.

These conditions in India was created by the various colonial powers and by some extent by our own British Rajs.

The colonial powers mainly the British created conditions to cause farming in India as the British did in Ireland to cause force immigration to labour in the fields of the Caribbean to replaced slave labour with indentured indian labor.

Others means of Indians leaving India was the changlled of their own pioneering ambitions that lead them to Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam and other countries in the pacific and even in the USA, CANADA, SOUTH AFRICA.

The Indian pioneers, our ancestors work like ‘slaves’ in conditions inhumane to mankind survive and help build these various countries from MUD huts to steel and concrete buildings.

Our ancestors made a decisions to make these countries like Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam and others their new homes bless by divine interventions by our’ Gods’ and ‘GODESSES’ to live and multiply and continue to build their new motherland for their future generations NOT, expecting another mass Indian exodus due to economic and political oppressions.

In Trinidad with the help of a small but effective Indian percentage the ‘PNM BLACK BASE PARTY’ took power from the outgoing colonial power [British] who then created economic conditions to cause Indians from Trinidad to leave to mostly North America.

At the same time in the late sixties and seventies Guyana, Suriname and Fiji were NOT just economic conditions, but political violent oppressions created by ‘ black base party’ bless by Indian socialism and Indian silence to response appropriately against Indian oppressions.

In Guyana the PNC government was the mother of all oppressions within the Indian Diaspora who systemically to driven Indians out of Guyana to maintain plurality majority vote to win all elections that proven effectively mostly.

Guyana had and still having some of the most race riots [ WISMAR RIOTS] and in Suriname Indians elected leaders were executed by the Bouiterese black military.

The British created conditions [ famine] for the purpose of having new supply of labor force to save their agritural industries. However, ‘ black base party’ created political and economic conditions to cause mass indian exodus to have a voters majority. Now on India Arrival Day Indians must ask did their ancestors labour was in vain and what will happen to them in their new 3rd homeland if the political situations become unpleasant.

Is it better whereever we live as 3rd Diaspora Indians to help those in Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname to control political power or to own a pice of real estate in the Caribbean that will be able to absorb those ‘ wondering Indians’ who in need of a homeland to live.
Can we honor our ancestors by keeping a direct genuine link in our respective 2nd home land [not india] and get involve in its political affairs as Jewish American does for Israel.

Have a blissful Indian Arrival day in the name of Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu!

Sita Ram.
Vassan I. Ramracha.

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