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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Many episodes have played out over the Lord Ram Mandir in Ayodhya

over the last 500 years. The Islamic Mughal Dynasty under their founder Babar decimated the Ram Mandir that existed at Ayodhya under Babar as part of their campaign of terror unleashed on Hindus to wipe out Hindu Civilization by destroying their most prized and sacred sites. They then, off course, in peaceful tolerant style built a mosque over the structure.

In 2019, A Suprem Court of India judgment with help from the archaeology community showed that indeed the Babri Mosque belonged to Hindus based on structural, archaeological and linguistic science-based evidence. Lo and behold there was a plaque found that vindicated the existence of the mandir for Hindus.

Lord Ram’s Mandir rebuilding has been a 500 year military and political firestorm among Hindus and Muslims. For the ownership of Lord Ram’s Mandir has parallel historical consequences as in the case of Israel. The Jews and the Hindus have a divine Godly right to their sacred and ethnic homeland and holy land. While the Muslims

claim the land and religious sites by conquered applications these groups were there from the beginning and have a long historical record of their presence in those places before Islam decided it wanted to even exist. It is unbelievable after Oct 7th jews must still explain to the world they were in Israel first historically. The same with Hindus in India. The same with Buddhists fighting against encroachment by Rohingya Muslims in South East Asia. The same with Christians fighting Jihadis wanting a geencard and turning around to scream “Death to America.” Nobody is against Islam’s existence but you cannot take what was not yours to begin with.

Lord Ram Mandir’s resurrection is a defeat to all conquerors of Indian/Hindu Civilisation and all of Bharat (India’s) citizens should embrace the Ayodhya Ram victory. A new day is dawning for Hindus with the building of our Mandir. Forty Thousand (yes you read right, 40 000) mandirs still lie beneath mosques including Lord Kirshna’s birthplace and Kashi Mandir alongside more than are openly damaged and destroyed which were not turned into mosques but left to rot like Martand Sun Temple Kashmir and the Temples of the Vijayanagara Empire. Lord Ram Ayodhya Mandir centralizes Hinduism as the Vatican or the Church of England centralizes Christians against the far leftists’ ideology and mainstream dismantling Of Hindu Dharma through media, movies, academia, lawfare, conversion, genocide and soft political power.

But one point I must make to Hindus in Bharat and across the world. Lord Ram’s Ayodhya Mandir is NOT the only area that is home to Lord Ram but the whole of the Indian subcontinent and those of south East Asia / especially India belongs

to Lord Ram, his Children and Vishnu’s manifestations in other deities. Lord Ram;s footsteps graced the whole of India. The Ramayan happened all across India and his divine presence is everywhere upon the land. It is holy, sacred, hallowed land, He did not operate in a bubble in Ayodhya.

Hindus must NOT limit their Divine ownership only to Ayodhya, but all of India is our Ram Mandir as Mecca/ Arabia is to Muslims and Bethlehem/Israel is to the Christians and Jews.

Sita Ram.
Vassan Ramracha – Son of Ram/ Created by Ram

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