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Alliance of COP and the Green Party of Trinidad and Tobago

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The Congress of the People is pleased to announce another alliance, this time, with the Green Party of Trinidad and Tobago, in our unified commitment to the development of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Congress of the People and the Green Party of Trinidad and Tobago recognise the importance of working together to address the diverse needs of the Nation’s citizens, both Parties have strategically aligned to work in unity on a transformative initiative, geared towards a comprehensive Sustainable National Development Plan.

The Alliance between the Congress of the People and the Green Party of Trinidad and Tobago is another significant step towards fostering collaboration in the political landscape of Trinidad and Tobago and is responsive to the aspirations and concerns of the people.

The priority of seeking the greater good of the country and transcending political boundaries, thus promoting a spirit of cooperation that rises above partisan interests is our driving force behind this movement.

We are committed to fostering an inclusive dialogue, encouraging all like-minded political entities and individuals to join this alliance and contribute towards formulating a robust Sustainable National Development Plan.

Trinidad and Tobago stands at a critical juncture in its history. The Congress of the People and the Green Party Alliance represents a catalyst for positive sustainable change.

Our commitment to rebuilding the Nation through honest governance and meticulous planning underscores the Parties’ dedication to the well-being and progress of all our people.

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