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Amarjyoth Sabha launches music class for youths

Dool Hanomansingh

Dool Hanomansingh

The Amarjyoth Sabha of Cunupia, Trinidad kicked off its music class last Saturday with Rajan Seemungal as tutor. A graduate of the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthan, Rajan is no stranger to music. One of the more dynamic music tutors in the country with more than 40 years of experience, Rajan’s dedication to teaching music has taken him throughout the country and even Guyana where he conducted classes in the Berbice region during the July-August vacation for several years “I am happy with the response,” said Pandit Amar Seepersad, head of the mandir. More than 40 students were in attendance accompanied by their parents.

The students ranges in ages 5 to 55 with the majority being between 10 to 15 years of age and demonstrating much eagerness to learn.

The class, held between 2 to 5p.m., is divided into two sessions- vocal and drumming. Armed with their harmoniums, tablas and dholacks, the students showed rare dedication and enthusiasm.

Amarjyoth Sabha launches music class for youths

Youths at Amarjyoth were at hand to register the students and also assist with the tutoring.

Music and the arts are integral to Hindu dharma so much so that that there is a presiding deity for music and the arts in the form of Goddess Saraswati.
The challenge for Pandit Amar and the leadership of mandir is to provide a diversity of activities to attract the interests of the youths.

I want to congratulate Pandit Amar Seepersad and the youth leaders at the Amarjyoth Sabha for sponsoring this music class.

For further information please contact Rajan -331-9288 or Pandit Amar -365-4593.

Amarjyoth Sabha launches music class for youths...

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