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Vassan Ramracha

Indentured Indians want a Homeland not Reparations.
Indentureship has all the characteristic of Slavery with

all the degradation for years of work. The Indentured Man/ Woman worked

under harsh dirty deplorable conditions and was often

beaten, raped and treated as uncivilized and

was fodder to be baptized in the name of Jesus.

to save us from our Indian ‘ Sins’; only then were we

accepted as a kind of human being.

The African Race, former Slaves, were able to get land.

or a Homeland in the Caribbean and is yet demanding.

Reparations. This is despite the fact that the African Race has under

their control some 90% of the Caribbean and yet are fighting Indians.

for the remaining 10% of the Caribbean. The African

Race/ Negro Man has countries like Jamaica, Barbados,

Bahamas and many more of the Caribbean Islands. Yet

the African Man wants to deny Indians the right to

ownership of Trinidad, Guyana and Surinam.

The Jewish people just like the Indentured Indians

and the Africans were displaced by Europeans all.

over the world. Jews were given land to form

the JEWISH STATE along with some reparations, but

the Indentured Indian Man has no Homeland

outside Bharat [ India] as the Africans and the Jews.

The Indentured Indian Race who was displaced all

over the World is left as an wandering Race that is

facing violent humiliation in ASIA, AFRICA and especially in the Caribbean.

In a political climate where diaspora Africans

[ X- Slaves] want reparations, NOT LAND, we Indentured

Man must demand that our former Europeans master’s help us to

be in control of Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam or a percentage.

of these three countries as our REPARATIONS with no

apologies. We Indians [ Indentured] only have a DNA relationship.

with Bharat (India), but no Homeland. And it’s also time our Scholarly

Indians and Politicians in Trinidad/ Guyana / Surinam with the

help of India demand that Europeans who gave the X – Slaves

land must also help the Indentured Indian Man to own a Country.

of their own in the Caribbean.

We the Indentured Indian Race do not want monetary reparations,

We want a country that can absorb all Indentured Indians scattered around the globe.


Vassan Ramracha.

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