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Ancient cultures must rally with India to fight intolerant ideologies

Dool Hanomansingh

Sheikh Hassina was the last hope for Bangladesh and now that she has vacated office, there is now little hope for the future of this South Asian nation.
Bangladesh, like Pakistan, has a reputation of targeting its Hindu minority. It was ethnic cleansing that led to East Pakistan becoming a Muslim majority state in 1947. Murderers and rapists had a field day slaughtering and raping Hindus, looting their properties and forcibly converting them to their blood thirsty ideology.
The minority Hindus (25%of the population in 1947) were never afforded the opportunity to strive as the Muslim minority in India. Today Hindus are less than 5% of the Bangladesh population.

Despite the daring intervention of India that led to the birth of Bangladesh in 1971, the unfair treatment of Hindus continued. The rampage the soldiers of West Pakistan executed against the Hindus continued in independent Bangladesh unabated.

Today, with the removal of Sheikh Hasina from office the Hindu minority is now under attack. It is crystal clear that Muslims don’t have a culture of hard work and development but one directed against non Muslims.

The city of Lahore with the majority of its businesses-banks, insurance companies, schools, colleges and hospitals – owned by Hindus fell to Pakistan on a platter in 1947. Today, the entire Pakistani economy has collapsed. Instead of focusing its energy on building its economy, the Pakistan ethos was obsessed with India, and cross border terrorism with Kashmir propagated as their reason for discontent.

In a recent news release, the Middle East was lamenting the lack of skills among their Pakistani workers and 90% of the prisoners in their jails for begging were Pakistanis.

The Middle East is today looking forward to recruiting Bangladeshis whom they felt were more skilled. It means that something good was happening under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina. Unfortunately, such an achievement is not appreciated in some quarters.

The partitioning of the subcontinent in 1947 was the machination of the West who was afraid of an undivided India. With Muslims as their ready servants, the British departed, leaving India sandwiched with West Pakistan to the west, East Pakistan to the east and a contentious Kashmir to the north.

While the West would like to have Bangladesh as an ally to unleash against India, it would now have to compete with the growing Chinese influence.

India’s economic rise is not welcomed by many geo-political blocks including China and the West. India, though, is navigating well through those rough waters with Narendra Modi as its captain.

India is the last hope for humanity whose ancient ancestral traditions have been destroyed by intolerant blood thirty Abrahamic theologies and their off springs- fascism, communism and now Wokeism.

Bangladesh is now going to be weaponized and unleashed against India. With a mindset to blame others for their woes, lazy miscreants uses these intolerant ideologies to justify their rampage and destruction of rising economies such as India.

After 500 plus years India has reclaimed its Ramjamabhoomi while the Saint Sophie Cathedral in Turkiye has surrendered itself into mosque.

India and Hindus are the backbone for the pagan world who must now join hands to resist and destroy those forces of evil now disguised as liberalism.

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