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Are converts a liability in the diaspora?

Dool Hanomansingh

Conversion is disgusting. Most converts have chosen to forget the circumstances – violence, poverty, brain washing- that brought them to their new faith. The ongoing violence against the Hindu community in Bangladesh demontrates clearly how Hindus were converted to Islam in the Indian subcontinent.

Hindus must refrain from giving respect to those amongst us who have so easily fallen victims to those forces of aggression. While converts have the right to their choices, as Hindus we must retain the right to associate without any compulsion.

Where are the Indian converts to Christianity? Many proclaimed that they converted for education and more so to return to the community equipped to uplift it. Have they done so? The answer is NO.

Until the 1980s few schools were excelling in academics. Chaguanas Government Primary School is an example of academic excellence and several more Hindu schools that came of age. Several Hindu parents who never had the benefit of a secondary education made the sacrifices along with dedicated and committed teachers and today those graduates are professionals and achievers in all walks of life.

Where are the early converts who justified their conversion with the intent to return and serve? Have they built a university or other successful tertiary institutions? Which media house have they built or politicians or journalists have they produced except the few that berated Sat Maharaj, Basdeo Panday and Kamla Persad Bissessar? It is not that these public personalities were above criticisms but the same was never directed against the PNM’s leadership. Where are the journalists to attack the failed economic policies of the current PNM with no plans to improve the lot of Hindus?

Why are schools in Hindu majority districts such as Presyal, Reform and Rousillac being housed in temples and community centers? While Catholic schools are being rebuilt, the Indian schools are neglected. As Hindus we must expose those who sell their pride and dignity for paisa while our children are deprived of a proper education. At the end of indentureship in 1921 the Indian population was 70,218 or 35.10% of the national population. Today Indians are about 39% of the national population.

What is the difference between 1921 ad 2024? The answer is conversion. Hindus were 85% percent of the Indian population in 1921 while in 2024 it has fallen to less than 60%.

Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, once part of India, are today in social and economic turmoil. These countries have lost their identity and would always be the victim of manipulation. Today the deposed PM of Bangladesh has revealed that the USA is guilty of spreading chaos and mayhem in her country.

As for Professor Muhammed Yunus, his arrival in the country immediately after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina’s government compels one to ask: Was he complicit in the demise of Sheikh Hasina? Nevertheless, his involvement would not surprise me because converts don’t really have a world view but lives in the shadows of their handlers. Whatever respect and admiration I have for Professor Yunus, I have lost it.

The converts are with the paraphernalia of the new faith…praying five times per day, fighting jihad and in the case of the Christians eating with knives and forks and not forgetting to pronounce the ‘th’ and quote Shakespeare but not the Ramayana.

In 1956 the Hindus in Central Trinidad dealt severely with political sellouts. Many of them with shops were boycotted. Today, the current generation must learn the technique of ex-communication. Being generous with traitors is courting the destruction and death of the Hindu community.

Conversion has weakened the Hindu community and must be corrected at all cost. A Shuddhi or reconversion to Hinduism must be on the agenda. Special satsangh must be held to address this issue. More so resources must be mobilized to help the poor and vulnerable amongst us. If these plans are not implemented the Hindu community would be brought to its knees and decimated.

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