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 Believing Kamla with A pinch of Salt

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

By L. S Orie

A pinch of Salt might not be enough to flavour the watered down promises that come forth from Kamla’s forked tongue. Normally, it is not acceptable even when one just tells untruths and try to pass them off as innocent white lies intended to not cause apocalyptic harm, but when you use the divine to mislead then that is a transgression that makes you wonder what kind of evil you are dealing with.

When you say as if it is indeed the god’s truth that the voice of the people is the voice of God and repeat it as if it’s a mantra and you don’t believe a single word of it and violate it as if it is just words, words, words, then can you put your trust in such a person who says to you what she thinks you want to hear but what for her is a matter of convenience and expedience believing that you are IQ challenged and that she could feed you salt and tell you it’s granulated sugar and you’ll use it to go make sugar cake.

When, for instance, it’s election season and time for selecting candidates, Kamla likes to boast of how late at night until early the following morning – she, the poor suffering martyred soul that she is – stays up to screen candidates but then when you hear who is selected it is none who was interviewed, who prepared themselves and who also stayed up until morning inspired by the voice of the people to do so who got the nod but it’s some outsider whom she had already handpicked it makes the whole screening exercise (and the voice of God invocation something frivolous) an act of political shenanigan, farcical theatre, a blasphemous mockery, indeed.

Case in point is Princes Town where in 2015 some 13 candidates – indigenous to the area – presented themselves and were all rejected because Kamla’s blue-eyed bagman was earmarked by her for this safe seat notwithstanding that he was an outsider who had not distinguished himself in anything at all that qualified him for special treatment. If he was known for anything, it was enough to disqualify him from even having his name mentioned in public.

When she admits that she made mistakes in the past but she had learnt from those mistakes, know she is only pulling wool over your eyes, for if she does anything differently, remedial, it is only to make bigger blunders: to choose the wrong candidates and to wait for the last minute to announce their names so constituents would be ambushed and not have time to rebel against her inappropriate mickey mouse choices.

Kamla likes to chant empty platitudes like: the voice of the people is the voice of God; put God in front and walk behind; who loves you more than Kamla – knowing that her sycophants lack the IQ to analyse those statements as words and more words and that there is nothing sacred about them. If she violates them, to her they are just white lies that she as a politician is allowed in the belief of the situational consequentialist that the end justifies the means and that it is all for the good of Kamla – you know, the one who ousted the great Panday.

L. Siddhartha Orie is a prolific writer on varied issues.

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