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Biased Stabroek News did not carry a reply to Gem Nascimento on Indian cultural center


Dear Editor,

Stabroek News of Guyana did not publish my (Nanda Sahadeo) reply to Gem Madhoo-Nascimento’s letter and today we are greeted with a missive in support of his wife by Kit Nascimento. The notion of a Guyanese culture is only possible through a synergy of all of our heritages – Stabroek News. Does Stabroek have a cultural bias against Indians?

The gall of this man Nascimento who was once the head of Burnham’s propaganda machine to lecture on a person (Dr. Bisram) who was one of (hundreds of thousands of Indians) who had to flee his homeland because of the racism of his Comrade Leader (Forbes Burnham) is the absolute nadir. Dr. Bisram like many, many more; left these shores and sought a better life in foreign soils just because of the actions of Kit Nascimento’s Comrade Leader and now he lectures on us Indians? This is so despicable on so many levels. Kit Nascimento seeks once more to berate an Indian who is speaking up for the rights of his ancestors, the “silent” majority. We can see how sad the situation is when Nascimento’s own spouse who is one of this majority cannot find it within herself to give voice for a wrong done to her own ancestors. Now she has this former propaganda strong man of the PNC/Burnham continuing to do what his Comrade Leader did once before as he sic his dogs of war on the Coo***?

Nascimento acknowledges with his wife that…” I repeat, the National Cultural Centre, to host CARIFESTA 1972 for the celebration of our Caribbean and national culture and identity. My wife also acknowledged the need for the permanent and appropriate recognition of the origin of those funds at the Centre.” Did Nascimento not see it fit to address this gross appropriation of another’s monies? And what did he and his wife do all these 50 years to give ” appropriate recognition of the origin of those funds at the Centre. some 50 years later?

Nanda Sahadeo

Nascimento’s letter is sickening in so many levels that it hard to put down in writing what one is feeling right now after reading his eye pass of a letter. If you read the comments in SN to said letter, some are even asking for PROOF that the monies were not Indian monies that Burnham thief to build the N.C.C. This is the wanton eye pass to Indian people from the moment they set foot on Guyana’s soil till to date. And we see why this is happening when the black pudding man made a declaration that is his kith and kin’s belongings in the first place. This may be the only explanation why Indians are the victims of violent crimes by the black pudding man’s kin and will further explain why the Kabaka thief Indian money too but what right does Nascimento have to criticise Dr. Bisram? It is his( Dr Bisram’s) ancestor’s money after all but wait, Kit ‘s wife is also Indian too. Would she (Gem) and him( Kit) be singing this same tune had Kit’s Comrade Leader stolen money belonging to Portuguese? Would they have stayed silent?

Nascimento reminds Dr Bisram of 3 instances to prove it wrong that ” the National Cultural Centre is not used by Guyanese of Indian descent.” THREE instances alone, Kit? But what are the ” many other shows attracting audiences of Guyanese of Indian descent (sic)?” He has the gall to name a 2 productions and one show. He knows fully well( maybe he doesn’t) that most Guyanese would sit in a shite hole to listen to Lata Mangeshkar Live so what is his point?

My late father, Sri Mohanlal Sahadeo Ji, a Hindu/Indian rights activist, was one of those people who did not set foot into the National Cultural Center for many years. He did not go to see Lata Mangeshkar Ji Live because of this. The person who took her to that place did so fully well knowing that Indians were boycotting that building. He did so to force Indians to come. Yes, that show had undertones of Politics and most things did when Burnham was alive. Dad did not go to listen to Lata Ji even though he went to see all the other Indian singers who came to perform in Guyana and he did not allow us either. He wanted to show his boycott to the organisers as was his wont to in those dark days. Dad did not give in even though another of his associates did so to show off he met Lata Ji. For years Dad would not set foot into that place and only did so when my sister and I persisted to reminded him that that building is part of his inheritance as it was built with money that belonged to his father, Sahadeo a Parsi who came from India. That that building also was constructed with money that belonged to his Nana Puran another Parsi who came from India, his Nani Latchmin, Parsi too.

Last of all, why is Kit Nascimento so enraged that Dr. Bisram, ‘ persisted to urge that we build theatres confined solely to the performance of our separate cultural heritages.”

I will explain, Kit Nascimento….you see from the days whence your Comrade Leader and till to today as is demonstrated in the Atlantic Reader, is only one culture that was rammed down the throat of “all” Guyanese. That ALL GUYANESE Reality is a MYTH. What that means is that Indians must not be Indians and they must have no identity. That was Burnham’s mission and yours too as you were part and parcel of the Kabaka. You really think ALL of us have forgotten your part in that sordid underbelly of Guyana’s past but you know they saying about “fooling all…”

You see, Kit, you must have forgotten the days when Indian/Hindu foods were banned/prohibited and Indian dishes were looked down upon as CooL** food. You have suddenly woken up like Rip and believe that all the rest of us suffer from the same selected amnesia too?

I came out from the Indian Cultural Center in Georgetown where my siblings and I were trained in Hindustani Classical Music, Dance, Yoga, Hindi and Sanskritam. Many Indians outside of Georgetown used to bemoan the fact that they were unable to access training from the qualified Gurus like my siblings and I. By building Centres to teach in the three major regions, ALL will be able to access learning. While these Centres will be built and run by Guyanese, I.C.C.R/the Indian Government will surely grant the necessary teachers to train ALL interested Guyanese. It is a great opportunity to give training in all the various Indian arts to all interested students in Guyana and not only those in Georgetown and its environment as is presently the current situation. Kit Nascimento must have never visited the Indian Cultural Center in GT or else he would be knowing that is not only Indians attending so I cannot imagine why he and others like him would believe that Dr. Bisram is fighting for intuitions only for Indians to learn. It is most strange that Nascimento could come to that conclusion and even more so as he rambles on about “Guyanese Culture (sic). Building instructions to teach the arts and culture of all the roots of all Guyanese will be of benefit to everyone. It is puzzling that the Nascimentos of this World seemed threatened by learning institutions. What can be the real agenda behind this move to supress education and learning? This is for another letter though and I leave this here….why are people so afraid to have institutions teaching Indian Culture and Arts all over Guyana?

Yours sincerely,

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