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Caribbean Indians: A Failed Race

Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

In the Global Diaspora especially in the Caribbean, descendants of indentured Indians are a failed political race especially in Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname. The lack of a political ideology is one of the main reason Indians are confused politically and unable to think as one unit or race.

Chances are that the unseating of Trinidad ‘s Kamla Bissessar from the leadership of United National Congress [ UNC ] will gave the UNC – Party a better chance of winning the next Generation Elections in 2025 is as confusing as Indian politics itself.

There are many social and political constructs which must be removed before Kamla Bissessar gets off the scene. Unless, Indians first develop an ideology to think as a RACE first and not as Hindus, Muslims and Christians politically the Indian race is doomed in the Caribbean. The main Indian opponents[ Blacks ] do not have these divisions politically and even socially.

The blockage to an Indian political victory in Trinidad in the upcoming the 2025 elections are by design. Well choreographed corrupt boundaries and a history of Black Voters Banks [ BVB ] makes it almost impossiblefor an UNC – victory in 2025.

The UNC – political leadership must take the necessary steps to unite their KITCHAREE divisions among their voters banks and call for the demolitions of the standing corrupt boundaries.

In Guyana the Indians are likely to be in power or government for many years yet their PPP political leaders have NOT able to provide military security for Indians because of their foreign ideology of Communism.

This ideology prevents the PPP – leaders to having an ethnic reality of the political problems in Guyana that their Black political opponents are addressing.

Suriname is on the rebound from Black leadership but only time will tell.

The only political problem of Africans in the political arena is their numerical electoral disadvantage. While Indians face a number of problems including lack a political ideology, their divisions in religion especially in Trinidad, and gerrymandering of boundaries the changing the Indian leaders by itself is NOT the political solution for an Indian Victory.

Its time that Indians think of having their own REPUBLIC to protect their ethnic interests.

Time for Indians to seek for a 2nd REPUBLIC.

Yours truly,
Vassan Ramracha.
President of the – Trinidad Bigan Party .

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