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Claudette Part of Electoral Fraud Scheme. Is she getting back at PPP for being by-passed for Chancellor?


Claudette Singh, of Mixed Indian and African heritage, is a retired judge. She runs Gecom. Some praised her as an iron woman of decency and honesty. Her track record shows she lacks both. Talk to anyone who knows her and they will tell you she lacks integrity. She puts Guyana through immense suffering. Her handling of the 2020 election exposes this woman – she deceived everyone including the technical experts who were sent by the Commonwealth to assist with the electoral process.

She is part of the conspiracy to defy the will of the electorate and to declare the loser APNU as the official winner. She is not trustworthy. Her grouse – she was by-passed for the Chancellor of Judiciary post when PPP was in office. 

Justice Claudette ruled in the Esther Perrera case (1997 elections) that voter ID cards were not required to vote even though all political parties and Gecom made a decision that a special ID card would be required to present to polling agents to cast ballots and the ID card would be collected by the polling clerk. Thus was done in order to prevent ghost voting and impersonation of voters. The 1997 election was successful; fraud was deterred. But Claudette vitiated the outcome of the elections. And now (March 2020) she refused to complete the process of verification of ballots; she has violated the constitution and other laws pertaining to elections. She is in cahoots with APNU (PNC) to rig the vote count of the election. She was/is part of the Mingo/Lowenfield rigging machine. She did not stop Mingo’s fraud and when Mingo violated established rules to verify the SOPs, she was silent. She accepted Mingo’s declaration of fraudulent counts twice. She did not ask for the count to be redone. And she has not terminated Mingo’s employment even though Mingo’s actions have been condemned by the world. 

Mingo must be prosecuted as is the norm worldwide for anyone involved in electoral fraud.

Mingo and Claudette were cited for contempt of court for not following the procedures established by the court to certify the SOPs. To avoid further contempt charges that carried six months mandatory prison, she agreed to do a recount of the SOPs. She said so in an affidavit to the court to do a recount of region 4. She must be held accountable for that commitment.

Instead of starting a recount of Ballots, the SOPS for region 4 must be verified. This can be done by another individual appointed by Claudette instead of the crooked Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo or a Deputy RO, both of whom were involved in the rigging process. Mingo must no longer be a member of the verification process of SOPs.

Some 481 SOPS were verified in region 4; another 500 SOPs for Region 4 needed to be verified. This process must be completed. If not, Claudette would run circles around the opposition. The PPP is warned it would not get a fair recount unless there is first verification of Region 4 SOPS. All the other SOPS of the other nine regions were certified; Region 4 is left to be certified. That must be done first.

It is no accident that Granger suggests to Jagdeo to nominate Claudette for the position of Chair. Granger knew of the hurt of Claudette for being by-passed for Chancellor and that he (Granger) would get Claudette to deny a PPP victory if his rigging plan were to fail. The rigging plan failed to produce the desire number of votes required to win. So Claudette was invoked to prevent a declaration of a PPP victory.

Is Claudette holding the country to hostage for her anger with the PPP? Claudette must know what she has done is wrong. She has not followed the rules and laws of holding an election and counting the ballots. Claudette told friends that she is getting back at the PPP (denying it a victory in the elections) for being by-passed for the Chancellor of Judiciary position. This is the second time her action hurt the PPP at elections (1997 being the first). She must stop her PNC game plan and start following the law — stop punishing the country because of her grouse with PPP. Count the SOPs fairly and announce the results.Attachments area

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