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Commemoration of Indian Arrival Days 2024 in St. Vincent, Reunion Island & Suriname


Photo : Ashook Ramsaran

Press Statements:

The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) joins with its global affiliates and its membership in paying honored tribute and express its gratitude to those who made the first journeys as indentured laborers from India arriving in the following former colonies:

June 1, 1861 – St. Vincent & the Grenadines (SS Travancore) June 3, 1828 – Reunion Island (SS Yangon)
June 5, 1873 – Suriname (SS Lalla Rookh)

We are always reminded of their pioneering spirit, determination, persistence and endurance under extremely harsh conditions. While survival must have been the primary concern, they strived and persevered to maintain their sense of origin, traditions and culture. Their children, grandchildren and following generations will always take pride in this unique accomplishment, recognizing and appreciating the sacrifices and achievements made on their behalf. We also recognize the invaluable contributions they have made to the diverse culture and economic development of their destination countries.

IDC president Ashook Ramsaran, who was born in Guyana which recently commemorated its 186th Indian Arrival Day on May 5, states that: “We pay homage and commemorate an historic event which took place several generations ago, recognizing the journeys, hardships, travails and perseverance of a people – while looking at today and tomorrow which can take lessons from that unique history of journeys seemingly not so long ago. While acknowledging that past, we can triumph by taking bold, pioneering steps same as those who came to St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Reunion Island, Suriname and other lands with just a promise, with lots of hope and determination, and built better futures for themselves and their descendants.

“Our ancestors came to these countries partially by choice, many forced but resolved and persevered under very difficult and harrowing conditions. That shared experience, that saga of shared history, fostered an unusual kindred spirit of resolve, togetherness and kinship – a triumph over obstacles and difficulties with dreams and aspirations of a destiny intertwined by history and fate”.

We continue to encourage and support active promotion of the rich and enduring Indian culture and traditions which served their forefathers so well. We also wish to remind all the descendants of those early pioneers to recognize and reach out to others of Indian origin whose forebears also embarked on similar journeys.

As these former colonies continue their respective transformation and adaptation as they have done for decades, the future bodes well for continued progress that is beneficial to all descendants of Indian indenturedship in their respective countries and abroad. Their enduring vitality is a reflection of its people, always strong, energetic, progressive and vibrant.

We extend IDC’s congratulations to the governments and people of St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Reunion Island and Suriname, and others, on the commemoration of their respective anniversaries of those historic dates. We also extend our continued best wishes to all the descendants of those early pioneers for continued peaceful and prosperous co-existence among other ethnic groups both in their destination countries and other lands where they have subsequently settled.

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