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Congress of the People calls for Coming Together

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The saying that “Power corrupts” and more-so that “Absolute, power corrupts absolutely”, sheds light in statements emanating from segments of the political landscape.

For real change to take place means that a maturity must now be exhibited not seen before.

We the Congress of the People believe that what is now needed is not just a ‘Coming Together’ for the mere sake of getting into power, but a uniting of ALL of our people, behind a common vision with Trinidad and Tobago in mind. For this reason we have called for ALL like-minded citizens and organizations to come together, not for the sake of getting into power but in order to build a resilient and sustainable programme that once and for all eliminates the inequalities that currently exist and which will chart a way forward towards economic prosperity for all citizens.

The Congress of the People have actively sought out, and will continue to seek out quality citizens, like-minded citizens, whose interests align not only with ours but the growing number of citizens who are tired of the ‘same ole politics’, joining with forces that have shown that they are more interested in themselves and financiers than that of the country.

We have had the experience and wisdom of being in a partnership before and now have the wisdom to ensure that the shortfalls of this experience are not repeated.

Having worked tirelessly over the last three (3+) plus years in convincing others that the only way forward is through a combined and determined effort to rid the country of the maximum leader, we view this as being critical for us as a nation to succeed.

We must learn from the mistakes of the past, we must be resolute in our conviction, that, as stated on our Coat of arms, “Together we Aspire Together we Achieve “; this must now become the rallying cry of all our people.

We appeal to all citizens to be a part of this process to give ourselves the opportunity to be the best that we can be.

This we are committed to being a part of.

Kirt Sinette
Political Leader
Congress of the People
One Nation One People

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