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Crime and the Hindu Community

Dool Hanomansingh

Dool Hanomansingh

Shiv Ratri, an all night vigil, had to be curtailed because of crime. At the Bamboo No 1 Mandir, the worship closed at 10:00 p.m. so that devotees can return safely to their homes.

Wayne Lalchan, President of the mandir, said that “devotees were scared of going all night because of the crime.”

Ramayan Yagnas are also held in the night. Several families and mandirs are not hosting yagyas because of the crime wave. Devotees, scared to leave their homes, are not venturing out after six. Ramlal Mahase said that his family’s curfew time is 6p.m. “If by 6 p.m. my son is not home I grew into a frenzy.” Ramlal and his siblings have been planning to host a yagya in honor of their parents but are now hesitant to do so due to the crime.

Socializing after a Satsangh is also affected. Meals are served in boxes to devotees to take away so they can reach home quickly. This loss of community is having a serious toll on the well being of the community.

Some families and temples have incurred expenses by hiring security during yagyas. This is an additional cost that the average Hindu family and mandir cannot afford. Sometimes appealing to the local police to patrol the area during the course of a yagya is met with understanding but this is more the exception.
Walking in the park after 6:00 p.m. is also affected. Rajdai, a diabetic and her daughter, Shama, said that “we walk trice per week but are now fearful to continue.” Three friends who were part of their team have stopped the routine because of the threat of crime.

Hindus must start taking leadership role to rescue this land from the clutches of a pirate culture that is fueled by government policies. Too many citizens have been brought up in government make-shift programs and have lost the culture of work. More so this social degeneration has now passed on to their descendants.
Private enterprises and especially agriculture must be encouraged by the State. Unfortunately, our farmers continue to be victims of pradial larceny with little or no hope of intervention by the police, far more to make an arrest that can lead to a conviction.

Right thinking people who want to live by the law of the land must rally together to arrest this pirate culture. It is only a dynamic and vibrant Hindu community that can offer hope to the nation. Just as Prime Minister Modi is rallying the might of the Indian people so also Hindus must take leadership responsibilities in this country.

The window dressing culture that the PNM has been practicing to hoodwink Hindus must be shunned those Hindus are not leaders but only there to full their pockets. Aiding and abetting in these failed policies of the State, these individuals are liabilities to the community.

Our scriptures have warned us of the negative impact of demons and demonesses. The avatars of Vishnu took birth to end the wrongs and evils of those selfish individuals.

As citizens we must dissociate from those individuals who profess “Ram” but follow the path of Ravan. Like Vibhishan Hindus must courageously denounce the evil doers even if he is a brother as in the case of Vibhishan or a father as in the case of Prahalad.

The culture of garlanding politicians at yagyas who have openly declared war on the community must be denounced. If not done, these Ravans are going to declare themselves the natural leaders much to the detriment of the dharma.

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