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Critical Race Theory and Cancel Culture

Rennie Ramracha

Rennie Ramracha

Today it is fashionable for many Trinidadians, Indians and Blacks, to jump into trends coming out of North America. These trends include: the latest Hip Hop; language accents, dress codes “Busted” blue jeans etc. Many Socialists Black Trinidadians want to “import” the narrative of Black Americans to explain the political narrative of the local Blacks. First of all, local Blacks have been in political power since 1956. American Blacks never had “Political Power” until the election of Barack Obama. For 50 out of 60 years, the PNM government has been directing the development or non-development of Trinidad and Tobago, and the various peoples: Blacks, Indians, Local Whites, Syrians and Chinese etc. For only 10 years, there been an Indian government. If the Syrians and the Local Whites dominate the local economy, they accomplished this feat under the PNM. If Black children fail to pass the “High School Entrance Exams or the CXC;” it was done under the PNM. If Indians took the “Cowshed” schools and turned them into “Learning Academies;” it was done irregardless of the PNM’s lack of support. I could assure everyone that the PNM did not favor Indians over the Black students.

In America, in the 1970’s, there began a movement, which was called “Political Correctness.” This movement called on people to use language that is non-offensive such as addressing various peoples appropriately, including women: people were no longer called “Retarded,” such persons are now called “Mentally Challenged;” Men were not referred to as “Boys;” women were not to be called “Bitches;” etc. This movement “Morphed” into the “Me Too” movement. There is nothing wrong in calling for basic respect to be shown for all peoples. However, the Leftist Socialists have ulterior motives such as overthrowing all Western Governments, in order to impose Socialist/Communist regimes in the Western World. When they succeed in the West; they will impose Communism in the rest of the developing world.

The Socialist/Communists has “Co-Opted” the radical liberal movement. The Socialists goal is to lay the “Foundation” for a Socialist transformation of the West by stigmatizing all of “Western Countries” as evil and racists. Furthermore, the Socialists want to destroy all “Western institutions and Heroes,” because they supposed to be “Racists.” Now, the Socialists want to unite the: radical Women Groups; Extremist Arabs; Illegal migrants, who are often a “Front” for the “Drug Lords;” Socialist Indians; Socialist Blacks and the Gays into a political force. These people have developed “Cancel Culture;” if your views don’t agree with their leftist views, you are literally cancelled from Social Media or you can lose your job. Now, the Socialists want America to teach “Critical Race” theory.

Critical Race theory amounts to pushing aside prominent: Black leaders such as Frederick Douglas and W.E.B Du Bois; Mahatma Gandhi; George Washington, father of the United States; Thomas Jefferson, literally the father of the American Constitution and Civil Rights in America; most other American leaders such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Leaders such as Winston Churchill, who helped saved Democracy and the Western world. These Socialist “NUTS” want to teach American Children that all their leaders and their history were based on “Evil” men; even though these men gave us the Western World of Democracy. Great Societies and Great Men are not perfect; but when the time called for problem solvers; these societies and men were able to deliver solutions. These Socialists want to teach Critical Race theory to young students from grade one.

The Socialists pretend that all they are doing is improving “Race Relations” in order to get support from Black people. What they are really doing is pushing Socialist Theory and teaching American children to hate their leaders and country. Let’s assume the Socialists win and destroy all Western Institutions and Western Leaders. Let us look at the Socialists program. Let us look at what the Socialists are proposing as alternatives to our current institutions. The alternatives are: high taxation, nationalization of industries, and more government regulations over businesses. These are programs that never worked, in the past, for all countries. Who are the alternative leaders the Socialist want to promote: Hugo Chavez and Maduro of Venezuela; the Castro brothers; Che Guevara; Ho Chi Minh and Mao TseTung. Today, we are all beneficiaries of Western Liberalism Democracies, and their economic development, Science, and Technology.

The Socialists are doing all this; while millions of refugees are finding homes in Western Europe and North America. Since World War 11, Western countries have taken in over 100 million refugees; who send billions, if not trillions of dollars, back to the third world. After the failures of the old Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and Hugo Chavez Venezuela; these Socialists are not resting. They are looking around the world for targets to attack, for example: today, it’s the White Western Societies and White Leaders. For the last 65 years, in India, the Socialist Nehru family has been attacking Hindus as backward and unscientific. There will always be ideological challenges in every generation. Our job is to meet these challenges effectively by recognizing the threats they represent. Also, we must have an effective alternate ideology with equally great strategies.

Jai Ram, Jai Shri Guru Ramesh “Rennie” Ramracha.
Ramesh Ramracha is the founder of Hindology.

Founder and President of THE TRIGUSH (Trinidad, Guyana, Surinam, Hindus) ASSOCIATION;
Chairman of the TRIGUSH LIBRARY;
Mr. Ramracha was a lecturer at City University, N.Y;
Retired Teacher from the Dept of Ed, N.Y.C;
He holds a few graduate degrees from N.Y. area universities.

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