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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Mr. Tacuma Ogunseye recently told a Buxton African crowd that “We in the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) wish to suggest to you, and we will suggest this formally to our opposition partners, that instead of mobilizing to participate in the elections on election day, we mobilize to turn (LGE) as a day of national resistance and African uprising.”Other speakers at the meeting included Dr David Hinds and PNC leader Aubrey Norton who was speaking on a WPA platform. Ogunseye exhorted the all Black crowd to be “battle ready”.

It is a fair conclusion that Ogunseye and his African brothers are calling on Africans in Guyana to get ready and prepare for’ battle against Indians

and the PPP Government based on my comprehension of what Mr. Ogunseye told the Buxton crowd. Buxton is the very place where eight Indian homes were burned down in 1964 after the Sealeys funeral.of May 21st

Mr.Ogunseye , Dr. David Hinds and other Black leaders are confident that any Black uprising against Indians will be an easy victory since the armed Forces in Guyana will support their endeavor coupled with weak non PPP Indian nationalist Leaders in the opposition

The WPA leaders know too well that the PPP and its Leaders will Not

defend atrocities against Indians. The PPP – party is always dependent on the USA to stand by them for free and fair elections and democracy.

Mr.Ogunseye and his African Nationalists Movement wants an ethnic war based on African measurements of power such as a predominantly African armed forces, a weak PPP government without military clout and weak Non PPP Indian Leaders. This will result in a killing fields of Indians as they have no military protection to rely on as a counter alternative.

Let me illustrate my point more meaningfully as to why Mr. Ogunseye believes he is holding the best hand of the deck of cards.

Here come the weakness of our non PPP Indian Leaders that Mr. Ogunseye is riding on

in a debate on Zoom on youtube and in response to Dr Hinds Mr. Ravi Dev and Dr. Baytoram Ramharack two non PPP Indian nationalists were calling for basically peace , love and Unity. Dr Baytoram Ramharack called on the PPP -Government to balance the army as a solution to avoid another WISMAR . Mr. Ravi Dev took a softer approach. Dr Hinds responded: “For me it’s not about elections: elections will solve nothing in Guyana – that is merely exchange”. For him democracy does not matter anymore.

Mr. Ogunseye in calling for the African to prepare for V – DAY against Indians issued a call for African unity and Black brotherhood.

The point I am trying to make is that Black Leaders are feeding on Indian weakness of Measurements of Powers. Had Ravi Dev and Dr Batoyram Ramharack respond more combatively to Dr . David Hinds

that Indians will reciprocate in kind and called for partition or some kind of Federal Autonomous region and by going on their own it will counter Mr Ogunseye and Dr Hinds that Indians can THINK like that then these options will

serve as the greatest threat and a wake up call to Africans.

Balancing the armed forces in Guyana is NOT the only solution. It’s who the Soldiers are taking their ORDERS from. Regional powers must be governed by Indian Brigadier Generals in Indian domicile areas, or else partition Guyana.

Indians Nationalists must respond to Africans Nationalist threats with Combative threats to offset people like Mr. Ogunseye to have an equal meeting of the minds.

Let Mr. Ogunseyse and others like him know Indians will travel out the Box to make alliance with Venezuela to take 70% of Guyana and live under a Venezuela Flag with some kind of autonomy if the deck of Military cards is against them.

Vassan Ramracha.

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