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Decline of Hinduism in Guyana


I can still recall the excitement and exhilaration of the village folks—especially the kids—when the temples overflowed with people, like one big extended family, to celebrate our ancient festivals. Sadly, the temples have faded from their glory days as relics of a culture in rapid decline. Indeed! The mass migration of the more progressive Hindu families for better opportunities has created a vulnerability that is now being exploited.

Also, people have changed because of the many evolving and nuanced factors in a dynamic and ever-changing world where geopolitics, technology, and a more independent standard of living from the days when the villagers were co-dependent on each other for their survival and shared ideals.

Notwithstanding, there is an urgent need for remedial intervention to stop further erosion and preserve one of the greatest civilizational cultures. Hinduism has undoubtedly enriched humanity with its philosophy, mystical tradition, and progressive way of life. A creed which subscribes to the collective good, harmony, and mutual respect for all life forms in the world…without condemnation based on race or the traditional beliefs that anyone chooses to follow.

Yours truly,
Cliff Rajkumar

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