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Dictator Burnham and the PNC turned out to be corrupt, arbitrary and self-dealing

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

Deliberating on the decency of democracy, the dangerous PNC has a demeaning if not disturbing way of demarcating their conception, configuration and compilation of politicizing the fragrance of love, the warmth of peace and the comfort of truth. As some of their elders grow older and the seniors get senescent, the PNC’s application, translation and interpretation continue to be devoid from the norms of society as they grossly serenade the sound of the guillotine from the gallows, severing the heads of innocent men and women.

Expounding Burnham’s love for members of the PPP, the late President once told the leaders of his PNC party, “The gauntlet has been thrown down. We have picked it up. The battle is joined. We asked no quarter and we shall give none. We shall use every weapon at our disposal. Let there be no weeping or complaints.” There was no ambiguousness in the path he established and the avenue he directed his members to traverse. No wonder his loyalists still identify with harm’s way.

Exemplifying his likeness for his assumed enemies, Burnham, who was a dramatic orator with the drawl of the English Bull Dog, emerged as a victor with power in the 60’s with the help of the British and the Americans. They deemed him “less radical than his chief rival, Dr. Cheddi Jagan. Burnham’s sustenance was enshrined with the help of his buddies in the sister islands who thought that, the color brown must be seen but not heard. Sampson boasted that he will not rest until his “enemies are crushed and utterly destroyed.” Such was the horror not humored by the man who refused to listen to “religious programs” on the radio with his siblings!

Examining the modern day “Idi Amin” call for “guns to turn in the right direction,” it is being fueled and funneled by the limited few fanatics who still farcify a feign and faint response. But thankfully, most Guyanese no longer are bending towards hate but succumbing to love thy neighbor, credits going to President Ali’s perpetual outreaches to all the communities in all the regions without reservation or discrimination.

Explicating PNC’s adaptation of their warmth of peace, declassified documents extracted from the Digital National Security revealed the following: “The CIA got its way but the United States lost in this covert operation. Forbes Burnham turned out to be corrupt, arbitrary, and self-dealing. After a 1968 election—again with the CIA subsidizing Burnham, the leader of a renamed Guyana increasingly turned away from the United States, becoming a dictatorial figure. In 1970, despite all that CIA aid, Burnham turned to the left and adopted the very politics the United States had sought to fend off. He assumed the position of president and governed until his death on August 6, 1985.” The British and the Americans birthed a wolf in disguise whose compost transformed into a venomous snake!

Explaining the racial violence in Guyana, it is glaringly pellucid to identify the root sources of those responsible for this catastrophic heredity. The discovery of the PNC’s X-13 Plan and the intellectual and financial capitalists, colonialists and capricious backers, fermented Burnham’s goons to reign terror against any one opposing his leadership or challenging his supremacy to own and control the land of many waters. All had to fear the wrath of the PNC’s terror as the sharpness of Burnham’s steel was felt by all and sundry! Call Dr. Rodney and Father Darke to the stand, they will attest to his evil doings.

Executing a sense of responsibility and the judgmental value of a clear conscience, President Irfaan Ali has permitted law and order to replace lawlessness and disorderliness so that justice can unfold its long arms. He warned, “no man is above the law,” and all those not in conformity will be dealt with condignly. His message is clear: peace has to prevail so that Guyana can enjoy tranquility from violence. Guyana no longer has to “beware of my Brother Forbes,” but to be wary of his constant surrogates in sheep’s clothing.

Exploring the comfort of truth, it is highly inconvenient to associate the PNC with the sanctity and veracity of religious righteousness. If Old Man Time was monitoring the utterances from the PNC with each tick from the clock, the PNC would have surpassed the thirty thousand odd lies spoken by Trump. Granger did not reveal Burnham’s true military orders and intentions. Hoyte covered for Burnham’s misdeeds. The loquacious Burnham, had the voracious appetite for imported luxuries, banned goods and the devious urge to flawlessly lie.

Extending his malicious plans, he alarmingly accused the CIA of being responsible for the deaths of 11 Guyanese when 76 persons were killed in the Cuban airline explosion over Barbados. The relationship with the US became strained and the US State Department in turn, called him a “bald-faced liar.”

Excluding the confession of a few good men and women from the PNC who had the decency to display honour and integrity to disassociate themselves from the corrupted PNC, the others have remained loyal to the deceitfulness and dishonesty in distorting facts and figures. Former AFC Minister Dominic Gaskin (Granger’s son-in-law), ran from the PNC Government, rather than walk with a hanging head and lowering eyes. He said, “I am simply not prepared to support any political party blindly. My loyalty is to my country…Who vex, vex.”

Exclusively, propaganda, cover ups, tongue-twisting, fabricated evidences, fake impressions, false witnesses, lies, deceits, crime, corruption, violence, mis-management and everything associated with uprooting a country from thriving for peace, progress and prosperity, are synonymous with the legacy of Burnham and the elements factored into characterizing the doom and gloom of the PNC party.

Exorcising cannot exterminate the excruciating pain, damages and loss Guyanese have suffered during the reign of the PNC’s 33 years in power. Former founding PNC member, D.J. Taitt, said it well when he accused Burnham of leading its members into a “blind alley of improvised tribalism at variance with the economic and social realities of the two major ethic groups of our country…”

Expelling all PNC’s negativity and extracting only positive vibes for democracy to prevail under the PPP/C banner, President Ali told Parliament, “We stand together on the cusp of what can be a new economic era of prosperity in which all will share now, and from which future generations will benefit…. Let us, together, run with endurance the race God has set before us….” President Ali and the PPP/C Government love for peace and unity remains true.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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