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Vassan Ramracha

Hinduism ( Sanatan Dharma ) teaches that there are many paths to ‘truths’ or God and all religions and culture are great but the pathway may differ. The Abrahamic religions ( Christianity / Islam/ Judaism) consider their pathway to be the only ‘true ‘ way to know God. In Islam God spoke to the Prophet Mohammed by way of an angel in divine Arabic messages to the Arab Nations. Islam was used to unite the Arab Nations. God / Allah never spoke to Indians in Hindi. Was Allah concerned about Indians?

Jordanian MP and former minister Dr. Mohammad Nouh Qudah has claimed ‘Allah created Arabs as Masters of the World’ during a talk show on Kuwaiti Channel Iqra TV. There goes your Caste System in Islam. Therefore Indians are de facto Muslims. In Christianity the Bible has many verses where Jesus / Christ came only for the people of Israel or the Jewish Nations. Luke 5:32 Jesus came not for the righteous. Matthew 15:24 Jesus said I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. God chose the Israelites as his own and he was their God. Timothy 1:15 / Luke 4 . 18 – 19 Calvinism – Christ died for the Sinners of the elect only. Christ came into the world for Sinners to repent. Are Indians born sinners ? Are Indians Jewish people of the elected chosen Semitic race of Israel?

In the land of Bharat (India) before the invaders (Arabs / Turks / Mongols/ Europeans) all Indians were Sanatanists / Hindus and born with divine DNA from their GODS without SIN.

Indians’ Karma (actions) and Dharma (responsibility) is what will define their path with God. We Indians are not born sinners or of the ‘chosen race’ and therefore do not qualify to be Christians nor Muslims according to their own scriptures and leaders. We Indians do not need a messenger or anyone to die for us. We find GOD ffor ourselves by treading our OWN path. Indians / Hindus by practicing different Yoga have a direct link to God and will be elevated or ascended to Svarga Loka (abode of the Gods) by practicing good Karma and Dharma to achieve Moksha which ends the cycle of birth.

Indians must understand that the Abrahamic religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism

originated for Semitic people only. Vedic culture/ Hinduism/Santan Dharma is tolerant to other cultures and religions but does not and should not to allow others to proselytize (convert) the Indian race. Our tolerance of intolerance will be our undoing.

Sita Ram
Vassan Ramracha.

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