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Diwali in India and Caribbean

Deepavalli, the annual Hindu festival of flights, was celebrated on Thursday evening with the lighting of earthen lamps that were placed around the home and the yard. Wherever Hindus migrated, they carry their traditions and festivals with them. Deepavalli, or Diwali, is among the most popular festivals taken abroad by Hindu immigrants including the Indentured laborers or girmityas. Because of the girmityas, Diwali is celebrated in many countries in the new world including in the Caribbean, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Fiji, Mauritius, and several African countries. The traditions and rituals are almost the same everywhere – puja and the lighting of the deyas. In the west, candles are also lit in deya forms after puja and display of the deyas in rows. Lights hang down from buildings. There are fireworks and fire crackers bursting in the air.

Deepavali, the annual Hindu festival
Deepavali, the annual Hindu festival

Diwali is observed or celebrated over 5-day celebration to honor the triumph of good over evil and to celebrate new beginnings. Diwali means decking your house in lights and varied colors including electronic lights.  It is a festival to spend time with your loved ones and to enjoy delicious food that are special for the occasion – phulourie, and other delicacies, alou, dhal, rice, vegetables, kheer, and so many other food items.

Shubh Divali!

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