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Doctor who?


Photo : Leyland Chitlall Roopnaraine

Dear Editor,

It has become commonplace to the point of being outright comical to listen to the weekly press conferences of the VP. Notwithstanding his ‘I have dealt with that already’ syndrome, he now clamors to be addressed as ‘Doctor’, having being the recipient of an honorary degree. Such vanity is the hallmark of Third World rice republic power brokers, reminiscent of persons like Idi Amin – the self-anointed ‘savior of Uganda’ and Obiang Nguema Mbasogo who has been President of Equatorial Guinea since 1979 an used his country’s oil wealth to enrich himself and family.

Ex-President Jagdeo has held many exalted tiles like Minister of Finance, ‘Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces” (when he was President from 2000-11), Champion of the Earth, Leader of the Opposition and now the Chief Executive in charge of Oil. Such powerful positions pave the way for posturing of grandeur and obsessed with the necessity to be recognized and praised; amounting to nothing more than a mentality of great vanity.

It is worthwhile noting that former US Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under the George Bust administration, Condoleezza Rice, has been awarded 10 honorary doctorates yet she cares not about titles. Such is the hallmark and humility of trulyeducated people.

Generally educated persons possess the keenness of a pit-bull and the cleverness of Doberman. In conclusion it is evidently clear the chief honcho and de facto president is a far cry from this; in the Guyanese lexicon of labels he ricee. Skeldon and Amalia Falls are perfect examples.

Leyland Chitlall Roopnaraine

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