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Here we are, scratching our heads.
Incomprehensible, or so it seems.

A duty in honour of our ancestors neglected.
Our civilizational identity endangered.
Caught in the web of political ingratitude.

Where would we have been if they never were?
The agony, the anguish, toiling in the sun.
Paving the way for their offspring to see better days.

With uncommon sacrifice, they laboured on.
Longing to see their dreams fulfilled
They denied themselves so that we would bloom.
Becoming masters of our destiny, unbound and free.

Little did they know that overambition fuels unbridled greed.
Coupled with political ideology rooted in unchecked egoism
Is a recipe for distorting our sacred values and true purpose.

Independence promised freedom from colonization.
The question begs, are we truly free today?
When freedom of speech and dissent hides with fear
Under the cloak of political correctness.

And the duplicitous politicians are emboldened like emperors
Lording over the coveted kingdom with cunning and deceit
Pretending to be caring leaders under the mask of self-aggrandizement
Like a chameleon that can conveniently hide its true colours.

Forgetting that sandcastles eventually disappear.
As all things do…in the realm of time and constant change.
Except the legacies of our ancestors, born out of self-sacrifice and the truth.
Indeed! Our existence would have never been if they had not challenged their fears.

Cliff Rajkumar

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