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Photo : Ashook Ramsaran

The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) and its global affiliates join with others in former British colonies, the UK and elsewhere, in commemorating Emancipation Day 2023 in observance of the 189th anniversary of British abolition of slavery.

The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 ended slavery in the British Empire on August 28, 1834. The end of slavery in 1834 brought freedom from abhorrent, dehumanizing, demeaning and despicable physical brutality, domination and oppressive exploitation of human beings for profit.

Also known as Freedom Day in many countries, Emancipation Day is widely observed in many former British colonies of the British Empire, including the Caribbean, South and East Africa during the first week of August in observance of the emancipation of slaves of African descent. It is also observed in other areas in regard to the abolition of serfdom and other forms of servitude.

Emancipation was also the beginning of indentureship of Indian laborers to the former British colonies lasting from1834 through 1920. The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) recognizes the historic significance of Emancipation Day and the official end of organized inhuman treatment of people while cognizant that many of the same practices were imposed on Indian indentured laborers who replaced the freed African slaves in the plantations.

The Indian Diaspora Council International (IDC) encourages efforts with similar resolve and inspired motivation, individually and collectively, to continuously strive for freedom from poverty, diseases, wars, inhumanity, economic inequalities and social injustices.

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