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Expose Hindus who sell their souls for pieces of silver

Arundhati Roy

I was happy to see an Australian journalist of Indian heritage packing her bags to leave India because the government refused to extend her visa. She was critical of India’s handling of the Khalistan impasse and the death of a Sikh terrorist.

Too many Indians who are employed as professors and journalists abroad have to support the negative images of India held by their bosses to look progressive.

Several of these journalists and academics are drawn from working class background and a good education was a passport to a better life. Failing to earn jobs in India because of the high competition, many were forced to migrate. To build a career many compromised their integrity by blaming Hindu society, Brahmins and the BJP for the increasing poverty, unemployment and other social ills without being aware that their views are exploited by the west for geopolitical advantages.

Arundhati Roy is one such individual. She was awarded a Booker Prize for literature, thus making her a significant voice for western imperialism. Her anti-India diatribes are encouraged by the west and other interest groups to paint the BJP as fascist and anti Muslim.

Academia has now been high jacked in the US including the Ivy League colleges. Harvard is today the home of Critical Race Theory or Wokeism. This theory, inspired by the Black Lives Matter Movement, propounds the provision of equal outcomes for Blacks and other minorities irrespective of their qualifications.

This theory is now being transported to India where the Dalits are equated to the Blacks in the US and the Brahmins to the white oppressors.

Blacks in Guyana are applying Wokeism to the Guyanese society to justify their demands for handouts from the State. The dictatorial reign of Forbes Burnham is overlooked and the Indo- Guyanese, victims of Burnham’s racist policies, have been labeled the new oppressors.

More importantly is the shared bonding of Wokeism with Islam and the Left. The past misdeeds of these ideologies are over looked and given a clean bill of health.

Where are the Hindus in this conspiracy to derail a culture of hard work and meritocracy? Sadly, our leaders are busy collecting gifts from their few followers who themselves need a post to lean on.

Seva should be the outcome of devotion and not going on vacations. Too many mandirs have been reduced to social clubs where the members come together to ‘eat drink and merry.’

Hindu dharma does not divide society into left and right. Also Hindu dharma does not derides wealth but extols compassion, which is a central pillar of Sanatan Dharma.

Are these journalists and professors victims of poverty? If so they need to blame the imperialist west and the Muslim world for their invasions, plunders and loot.

The west and the Congress Party must always be held accountable for the poverty in India…from 15% of glob al GDP in 1800 to 4% in 1947. Under the Congress Raj that was further reduced to 2% in 1984. It is now under Modi that India’s GDP has reached 5%.

As Hindus we have a duty to protect Hindu society from attacks by Indians and non-Indians alike who do so for their personal and selfish ends. Be they the demoness Tataka or Arundhati Roy, as Hindus we must show no mercy to those who try to destroy our dharma and society.

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