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Fathers come back home

Paras Ramoutar

Paras Ramoutar

Fathers of our nation must return home to stop the continued decay of our nation through violence in our schools, on the streets and in the homes.

It is incumbent on our fathers to take charge of the home and deflect the continued state of crimes, bullying and other heinous acts of brutality in our nation.

Fathers, if you have taken a holiday from the home, you better to cut it short and go home and help mold the minds our children. Mothers at home cannot manage it.

When the order was placed for a child, it was not single initiative, both mother and father paid the quintessential part in the process. Fathers, must therefore, be reminded that it was not a single effort, and the bringing of a child takes the efforts of both.
The continued absence of fathers in the home must be viewed as the giving away the chance to be called a father.

We continue to make the mistake that the word, “daddy” is still not father. Fatherhood is not only a biological issue, but a spiritual one mixed up with discipline, morality, and ethical values. Today our society, our world no longer cherishes these values, as we have become more materialist.

Fathers are need more than ever in the society today, just like mothers.

The lack of fathers at home is a crucial issue that needs to correct.

On the same vein, mothers have to maintain dignity, ethical and moral values at all times.

They rule the roost.

On this Father’s Day June 2022, like Mother’s Day May 2022, the family must cherish the moment and renew their roles in society, and more so, within the clan.

Happy Father’s Day To All Fathers.

Paras Ramoutar

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