I’ll tell you why everything buss. People fed up. They fed up of corruption in every damn office of state, law enforcement and governmet. They fed up of a country where nothing works. Where laws are plastic and serves the interests of who could afford it. They fed up of unqualified licensing officers penalizing them for the damage done to their vehicles by the state of the roads, and frustrated by the fact that our pitch is paving China while our roads fall apart. They fed up pay WASA and never get water, even though the country drowns in rain water for free. They fed up watch 1% and government friends stealing, being given food growing lands by the acre, while farmers suffer for land to grow food. They fed up hear about prestige schools, as if some races naturally brighter than others. They fed up of political stunting, tongue in cheek racism, and a carnival disconnected from history being touted as culture. The entire place is a mess. It is easier to get murdered than to get a business loan even though banks making billions off fees and forced savings. The people fed up because the country upside down in every conceivable manner and you expect them to find thousands to fatten the band owners accounts or to stand in the sun for the bamcee parade? No they don’t want to be drunk on a beach for Ash Wednesday, they want a country that works. They want jobs, careers and opportunities. They want the mother of all leadership, policies and laws that gives them hope and opportunity. They don’t need cheap soca or drunken chutney, they need those who hold office to do their jobs to the benefit of the people, they want to not be lied to and manipulated incessantly by political tools of the contract mafia, they want a return to a time when something made sense. They want a carnival that could be a joy to play or to watch, where the music did not have to be so god damned loud that it damages the hearing of everyone in proximity. They want less theft and more benefits. They want to afford their own food, not depend on your food card. They want it to make sense, not the nonsense the media feeds them day in and day out. And more importantly they want to live in a country where being good and decent prospers and the lawless punished. They want justice. And many want that political interloper, that convenient grasshopper and hypocrite Gypsy to take his two thumbs up that he awarded himself and jam them where the sun don’t shine. Mother of all carnivals for those with access to the treasury. For everyone else it was just same failed, broken down, frustrated crap dressed up in bikinis and feathers.
Phillip Edward Alexander
Fed up with Everything in Trinidad and Tobago

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