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Vassan Ramracha

Is the PPP now seeking forgiveness for they knew not Communism was wrong?

Is it only now that the PPP has been able to realize that they were chasing after

a bankrupt Communist ideology now that the imperialists and Yankee

capitalists have blessed them with an abundance of revenue from oil?

Is the PPP now capable of apologizing to the MANY

Indian capitalists whom they destroyed politically, culturally,

and mentally; those capitalists whom they had driven out of Guyana even though

they were fighting to free Guyana from the very PNC government who the

PPP gleefully gave critical support?

Is the PPP now willing to financially compensate Indo – Guyanese

and others who were forced to migrate from Guyana like the Biblical Exodus of

Jews from Egypt ?

The PPP needs to be reminded that when they

were fighting worldwide revolution Indians were

used as the sacrificial lamb to prove the PPP was not

a racist party. There was the case of the Jagans sacrificing Indo Guyanese

Balram Singh Rai for Afro Guyanese Brindley Benn as chairman of their party.

Capitalist Indian Nationalists were simply flushed down the toilets

[ sorry latrines] by both the PNC and PPP leaders. Case in point is Dr Jung Bahadur Singh and Jainarine Singh who were destroyed by the PPP.

The PPP – leaders think by erasing Communist ideology it will

gave them a clean slate without the Indian masses putting them before a Guyanese Tribunal of Justice,

Even today the PPP government refuses to acknowledge the

wrong perpetrated on Indians by PNC followers like the 1964 Wismar

and the 2008 Lusignan massacres. Neither was a commission of inquiry

or compensation paid. Compare this to the $8 million paid to the families of three

Lindeners shot in 2012 by the police under the PPP government.

And as President Irfaan Ali seeks reparations from former slave Masters and the Colonialists,

he very well at the same time needs to champion reparations for the descendants of indentured laborers.

Vassan Ramracha.

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