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Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

The PNM black based party of Trinidad has adopted a mantra from the Bible to build their voter banks. They have promised their people ‘Daily Bread’ so, Blacks do not have to sacrifice, economize or to indulge in delayed gratifications since coming to power in 1956.

The African race in Trinidad was told many times by their Black PNM leaders that they are a “Privileged Race”, that work or not the Black Man will have their ‘ Daily Bread ‘ as promised in the Bible, free housing, free water and free electricity.

Since post-independence for 60 years the Black man have had the best jobs, and shorter working hours- a privilege the Indian Race did not have.

Today, oil / gas rich Trinidad is not so rich anymore and the PNM government Parliamentarian are asking their political base to sacrifice to go back and eat barra and channa [ doubles] and use the coal pot and wash their ass like the Indians not using toilet paper and avoid KFC fried Chicken.

How can Trinidad Black Race who have had the privilege of Daily Bread for 60 years suddenly makes an about turn to sacrifice without management training to budget their spending?

The only way Blacks can sacrifice is for their race to be schooled in managing their money and to economize in shopping.

SINS of OUR DAILY BREAD is what make a race dependent on government for everything, a trap Indians are falling for.

Sacrifice is a part of the overall solution, but the PNM government must stop wasteful spending and their corrupted ways with the people’s tax’s dollars.

The PNM government is responsible for the crimes and economic sins of Trinidad. My advice to the people of Trinidad is to change the government as a necessity. People like me will then be having not’ Daily Bread ‘and KFC Fried chicken but dhal,bhaat and bhaggie and roots too.

Yours truly,

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