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Gospel according to Kamla in Trinidad


Dear Editor,

As we enter the final week before the UNC internal elections, some persons have tried to speculate on the thought process of Kamla and what motivates her quest to retain leadership of the party.

They have used their Artificial Intelligence programs to come up with the following election gospel according to Kamla:

It is the highest form of democracy for me to challenge anyone in the party and win an election. [ask Basdeo Panday]

However, it is the highest form of treachery for anyone to contest against me once I am the leader.[ask all those who had the temerity to question her leadership]

Party members should realize that to test me is tantamount to an act of treason and is reprehensible as sinning the most righteous.

Party members must realize that even holding internal elections is only a sham as I am the divinely ordained soul.

All shall bow down in reverence to me and never question my injunctions as they are in the same temperament of the Ten Commandments retrieved by Moses.

Party members must also realize that in my presence their right to free thinking and free speech will be miraculously removed and they will never be burdened to use their cognitive skills.

Party members must realize that the UNC is at the dawn of a historic realization once they continue to support me blindly.

The great day will soon be upon us when I Kamla will be able to proclaim that I am the greatest leader ever of the UNC, the one who has been able to take victory and turn it into defeat and at the same time turn water into vodka!

I will always be remembered as the one the greatest leader ever of the UNC who loved you until death…of all of us!

Perhaps that AI is flawed!

Rabindra Moonan.
San Fernando.

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