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Guyana’s Ruel Johnson Comments on Mahdia Tragedy

Guyana’s Ruel Johnson Comments on Mahdia Tragedy

The parents of the dead and injured deserve answers as much as they deserve solace, and it is the responsibility of government to provide both. If you are that sick however to pivot for political points, whether you are either directly politicising the issue or creating a platform for others to do so, then you are slime.

Already for the morning I’ve seen one parliamentarian, not on my list, refer to the tragedy as “brutal mass murder”; and another, a politically affiliated lawyer, who is no longer on my list as of an hour ago, not only contort himself to slimily put a political angle on it but worse yet have multiple persons commenting indulge freely in the blood libel that this was a sacrifice by the government of the day.

Do you understand how depraved a person you have to be to even contemplate the exploitation of this, the worst single event loss of Guyanese life we have experienced – rivaled only by the Sun Chapman bombing – in modern history?

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