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Guyanese Creolese on Contemporary Issues

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

How’s everything? Plenty things happening over the past two weeks and a lot of people coming to we country fuh different reasons. We can’t read everybody mind but we can judge dem action. Right now, plenty action going on in Hague, no man, not in Region Three, the Hague where the ICJ is. Yu see how we get popula name?

Nobady stopping dem Venezuelans from holding dem referendum. But dey ain’t gon get the result like how de Kabaka said he get for his referendum. He hold de referendum record – fuh “manipulating de desired result.” De man didn’t see rigging as cheating, he see fixing as being cunning. Poor Cheddie, he couldn’t go to de British nor de Americans nor CARICOM and say “Do a thing fuh u bai nah!” He play straight like harra.

Now de way dem Venezuelans putting forward dem case reminds me of how dem Burnhamites does see things, explain things and want to make you believe things. Dem is like some of we, speaking with forked tongues.

But dem is good “story tellers.” Dem make up a lot of story to pull de wool over dem judges eyes. But dem judges listening keenly and dem making proper notes. Dem ain’t sleeping. Dem eyes bright like day.

Dem Venezuelans should stop and pause and reflect back on the CCJ when de PNC tek dem “cock and bull” story fuh dem to judge. Dem Venezuelans “trying a thing.” But we in Guyana holding strang, we ain’t budging, we ain’t giving up not one guava nor one patwa. We is free and all dem tree belong to we.
Some Canadians come to visit we. Dem is nice people and dem want to learn from we too. I like when we country name call out as number one in CARICOM. We is de highest exporter in agriculture. We ain’t suffering from no Dutch Disease. We making good use of we land and we can feed the whole of the Caribbean.
Minista Mustapha working hard for we to become de “Bread Basket.” Dat’s why dem Venezuelans eying up we land, but, we ain’t giving up no field dat we getting good yield. Like Namilco, we aim fo higher production, not reduction. De “Only Coconuts” company driving people nuts wid all dem fancy products. De GMC doing a good job too. Dem need more weekly, retail sales outreach to help keep de cost of living down.

Yu see all dem billions of dollars in profits dem banks making, and, is after tax too. Dem banks should really help Guyanese and do away with all dem fancy charges dem mek dem poor people got to pay.

Yu can’t even afford to sneeze in de bank and dem ready fu charge yu. You ain’t got a chance of “leff or write,” because, all de banks is the same ole story. Dem bankers really over doing de do. Dem ain’t realize “things tight” for de small man? And dem taking de small man money to mek big money!
Is nice de President mek dem teachers smiling and all dem civil servants gon get a bonus. Is nice small change fo de holidays. Yu see how dem PNC maths can corrupt people? Aunty Priya better do some online programme wid dem who running de jail. And, by de way, I thaught de new Mayor was a nice guy. But he need to learn a thing or two quickly. We aile production going up.

Now we gon really go places. De Govment gon soon be able to meet dem unrealistic demands dem in de Trouble Union Council hallucinating about. At least some way if not half way. Dew can’t full what rain can’t full. And when de Kabaka been in reign, dem mouth been yu all know where!
It de freeze up and de Kabaka said, “ok, wage freeze for yu all.” If yu de cut de man in de street vein, yu couldn’t find blood. But dem mek out, dem knot dem waist, eat a little and still save a little. Dem didn’t perish because dem produce from dem kitchen garden. Dem content wid de little that dem had. Dem ain’t scraven or big eye nor crave for foreign. Dem in de TUC side wid de Kabaka and mek a lot o people punish.

Well dis week, we got company from the States. Man, dem out like South. We all know who bring dem. Why yu all looking at me, Loo, and turning up yu eye? Nuff people ask if dem come to “interface” or “interfere,” because what dem infer is not what we prefer. Ah wander what dem confer wid those who refer dem? Something ain’t look right and I got good sight.
We got patience not grievance so we don’t need no interference. Yu see how dem Venezuelans mek we out like we is some warrior? We got “Toy Guns,” not canons. Yu na see how Jords and Naggy put we in trouble? Now how yu think dem people feel?

Dem get different ideas. Now yu can’t see nor hear from de two of dem. Dats why yu got to be careful what yu say and how yu say things. It got a way to backfire. Like a former APNU minister saying she only hiring “people who look like we,” and, “speaking Spanish.” Yu think we learn we lesson? Na man, some things don’t change. Now I wonder if de ‘visitors’ gon full up dis bowl wid Uncle Sam or dem gon say “gwan da side?” Lata na.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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