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Hindus must engage is aggressive debates


Who gives anyone the authority to pronounce on what is the right or the wrong way of worship? It is time for Hindus to question the claims of revealed religions where individuals can claim that God has spoken to them. More sinister is that this revelation cannot be doubted or questioned, and, any questioning or doubting of the revealed words of these prophets can be deemed blasphemous and punishable by death.

Imperialism or the expansion of ideas, culture, goods and landmass have been with us since time immemorial. Even during the expansion of the Greeks and Romans there were no claim of a single god who was jealous of other gods. The Greeks and Romans were polytheistic and ventured into the world with an open mind. It is said that when Alexander was about to venture on his conquest of Asia, he asked his teacher, Aristotle, what gift he wanted. Aristotle replied: “Bring me an Indian sage.” 

It was the birth of the Abrahamic religions of the world- Judaism, Christianity and Islam- that has plunged the world into this high level of intemperance. The current war between the State of Israel and Palestine has more to do with religious intolerance than the struggle for a homeland. A cursory glance would reveal that most conflicts in the world are among groups that profess the Abrahamic faith!

Over the past two decades socially vulnerable members of the Hindu community in Trinidad embraced the Pentecostal faith with the hope of a better life. Many have sited alcoholism, caste, abusive husbands as push factors. Have the social and economic conditions of these converts improved? 

 Another trend is the growing popularity of Shakti worship. While this is a legitimate form of worship in Hindu dharma, devotees are taking to it with the hope that it would bring about a quick fix to the challenges of everyday life.  Several families with limited education and skills are hoping for a miracle!

 How are converts to other faiths accepting the economic transformation of India’s economy?  In the US several CEOs of leading companies are Hindus. A survey of incomes among ethnic groups in the US revealed that Indians are the highest income earners. 

It is hard work that builds wealth and success, not the faith one professes. Successful businesses recruit from the widest pool of talents from around the world. Many who could not find a job in their country of origin are among the top executives in leading global companies.

What are the issues that are driving those miscreants to indulge in the destruction of murtis? Is it simply theological differences? Do they perceive Hindus as successful and hence the hatred? Or is it that Hindus are too tolerant and hence viewed as easy targets? Or, do Hindu now have to aggressively convert non-Hindus to its way of life?

By Naresh Beharry

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