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Horrific Treatment of Indians at Wismar


Balram Singh Rai … then HOME AFFAIRS Minister TOLD Premier CHEDDI JAGAN TO BRING in THE BRITISH ARMY… AND HE REFUSED … according to RAMPERSAD TIWARI… who was THEN SECTRetary TO JAGAN… THIS CAUSED THE POLORISATION THAT BENEFITED THE PPP…TIWARI SAID… Rai was the Only Minister on the street in Georgetown… while The PPP hid in their respective homes…500 Indian women at Georgetown hospital according to now BAN SINGH now Real estate agent in Queens NY.. were put to death with bottles in their vaginas…. JAGAN then premiere witnessed this… SINGH was a male nurse at the hospital… JAI KISSOON SAID THAT THE PPP CUT OUT A BLACKMAN PENNIS IN BUXTON AND PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH….THEN BURNHAM SAID…WE WILL DEAL WITH COLLIE IN WISMAR…the above caused the problem between Jagan and Rai….and When Jagan rigged the First PPP internal election putting Brinsley Benn as chairman of then PPP, mashing up the party. … Long story… your thoughts Welcome!

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