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Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Oh, our dearest, loving one,
Where have you gone?
This time, alone,
You didn’t take us along!

Now, to a home when we come,
No more will you be there, mum.
All, not only some,
Today, a sad tune we hum.

We’ll miss you, kind mother,
Say hello, when you meet our father.
You made great sons, for each to have a brother,
What daughters of beauty, to hug as a sister.

Daughters-in-law, you grew an extended family,
Sons-in-law, all grew happily.
Angels for grand – children, you watched merrily,
Celestials in the great grand-children, you adored fondly.

Never, as a neighbor, you regarded as a relative,
No one to complain, your choice was not selective.
Families, friends and affiliates will nod in the affirmative,
How pleasant was your smile, no need to be argumentative.

So much fun, peace and happiness we found in your company,
It meant more than the world of wealth and money.
Reluctantly, we must let go of the body, it’s only anatomy,
Take thy Karma, with you, we cannot accompany.

A lot you taught, from the little you knew,
Watching movies of old, oh yes, also the new.
All and sundry loved to stay with you,
How tasty were your delicacies, a sweet voice you had too.

You gave us so much, it was a lot,
Satisfied you were, with anything you got.
If pain and sorrow, to you, we ever brought,
Forgive us, forever you will remain in our thought.

To bid farewell, you did gather a loving throng,
Bless us, in your absence, to remain strong.
Live we may, die we must, the poet writes in a song,
Good bye, our dear mother, to another journey, so long.

Poems By Jai Lall

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