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In 2023 Independence Celebration remarks, Outgoing US Ambassador pledges continued support for Guyana even after she leaves office

Outgoing United States (US) Ambassador to Guyana, Her Excellency Sarah-Ann Lynch, who has served in the position for four years, in her remarks on the occasion of commemorating America’s independence, pledged her country’s continued support towards Guyana’s growth and development. July 4 is USA’s independence day. The country broke from Britain in 1776, some 247 years ago. Commemorative activities were held in Guyana on the evening of June 29 at the Marriott Hotel in Georgetown.

Relations between the two countries have deepened since Lynch arrived in 2019. This is Ambassador’s Lynch last summer and Independence celebrations in Guyana.

Addressing a packed ballroom, she praised US-Guyana cooperation and the country’s rapid economic transformation. Ambassador Lynch made several praiseworthy remarks on US-Guyana relations and the country’s trajectory on development.

Here are selected excerpts of the Ambassador’s remarks:

“Guyana is clearly on a unique and amazing journey. The United States has been and will continue to be on this journey with you. I would not be prouder of the enduring partnership between our two nations which I know will continue long past my tenure in Guyana”.

“You can count on me to be your champion for years to come. Your future is bright Guyana…Now is your moment, Guyana.”

“Together we have worked in the area of governance to build the capacity of key institutions; we have partnered in the commercial area to see our bilateral trade triple over the past few years and we have worked on critical issues in the areas of security to ensure that Guyana is a secure nation where citizens feel safe and investments are protected”. …

“The relationship between our two countries has seen a “dramatic” increase of US companies here in Guyana”.

“There are strong signs of confidence by the international community that Guyana wants to contribute to regional and global efforts to strengthen international partnership, the rule of law, and to promote peace and stability around the globe”.

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