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Indian Christians must condemn white racism at Ukrainian border

Dool Hanomansingh

Dool Hanomansingh

If today Indians are shocked at western journalists’ bold display of racial prejudices in their handling of the refugee crisis at the Ukraine borders, it is only because they have chosen to be blind and dumb to injustices for far too long.

This shared willingness of European nations to welcome Ukrainians because they are ‘like us…civilized…middle class… with blue eyes and blonde hair…not refugees from Syria and Iraq’ should be highlighted to all those ‘coolies’ who have opted to worship a Jesus with a chiseled face, white skin, and blue eyes.

Are blacks, Indians, and other non-European Christians ready and willing to accept a Jesus with Middle Eastern features? I doubt it very much. It is clear to me that these converts are people who are unhappy with themselves. More so they have opted to be so dull that their minds cannot discriminate.

Indian coverts display the perceived inferiority of their culture and identity vis-à-vis- European culture by their willingness to rebrand themselves. V S Naipaul in his book India a Wounded Civilization spoke of top executives of industries modifying their names – Dhaniram becomes Danny and Jassodra changes to Sody, Barindra to Barry and the list goes on. In fact, one attitude of Indians to show that they are not coolies is to willingly mispronounce a Hindu name. Hans Hanoomansingh shared his experience in the newsrooms where efforts were made by announcers to get the correct pronunciation of European names while Indians, African, Chinese, and other non-European names were mutilated. Nevertheless, the BBC has done well to overcome this hurdle while many in Trinidad and Tobago still deliberately do so to announce “Your see…I am not a coolie.” Are we undergoing a second wave of colonization?

Individuals like Mike Persaud, Charles Sugrim, and Devanand Bhaggan are devastatingly anti-Hindu, anti-Modi, and anti – India. Devanand Bhaggan’s name in his email is Dave Bhoj… a far cry from Devanand Bhaggan. I am certain that their parents must have consulted with the pandit to give them names that are in tune with their personality, but they have chosen to cast them aside to adopt names that are more pleasing to the ears of their European masters.

Here is Dave Bhoj (Devanand Bhaggan) writing in his email: ‘I can tell you from first-hand experience that most Indians don’t care two hoots about the Ukraine-Russia war. They sit on their high horse and carry out merrily their business as usual.” (Feb 20/2022)

In the said post he had a picture of a regally dressed person sitting on a decorated horse. That is Dave Bhoj! Is this how a REAL MAN speaks? This is deliberate and provocative- a man just doing his work to get a smile and tap on his back- ‘good work Sonny Boy.’

Dave Bhoj is hiding from Devanand Bhaggan. What are the Hindu names of his cohorts- Mike Persaud and Charles Sugrim?  Are these Indians proud of their Hindu identity? Shocked by their unfounded and provocative comments I wondered if these ‘converts suffer from self-hate.’  Dave Bhoj’s response was that “I would not respond to that.”

Imagine these three self-haters are Indian students fleeing Ukraine and are being pulled to the back of the queue so that their blue-eyed and blonde European Christian brothers and sisters could be given preferences. Would such naked racism have impacted their conscience?  Would they have protested?

If Jesus is the Son of God and he has blue eyes and blonde hair then I am in full support of Ukrainians being given preference to sit on trains to escape war-torn Ukraine. By embracing the Ukrainians, the people of eastern Europe are helping their brothers and sisters, not strangers like Syrians, Afghans and Indians.

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