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Indian Guyanese Creolese or Dialect on Display

Jai Lall

Jai Lall

Dear Editor,

Well, last week, a lot of people say how dem had fun and dey enjoy reading King Lear. Dem swear that Guyanese need a lil break even though a lot of true things does pass as jokes. So…..

Geeze man, is all of u nickname me Loo. Now, don’t mix up Loo with Low. Is na me mek all u hanging yu heads low with shame from since time start. I know add maths but when dem bais bring in PNC maths to prove is modern maths, dats when trouble start and dem brats start playing with 240 watts.

No wonder some of dem children getting a hard time to pass dem maths exam nowadays. Dem picknee too confuse in school. Now is up to dem new teacha bhaiya, to mek things right again.

Yu know dat ranger turn stranger. He is a good dance man, he does dance not only in the rain but also between the rain drops. But he know who to tango with, and is not with Bingo and Low.

He wash he hands of de hole affair, lack he self behind closed door, enjoy what coming his way, turn on Mozart and tell de rest of them, “all u try dey.” Now de man reading “West On Trial.”

After all, he is a QC bai. Dem other QC from the bar had to face a different music. Dem face lang and sour because de CCJ mek dem look like lil bai. Dem robe stain fu life and no amount of washing and rubbing can erase dat.

Dats why you should pick and choose. You can’t be rang and play strang. Dey should a listen to de man who say, “if yu vex, yu vex wid yu own face.” Dey should a do what he did to stay clean….. quit, na stay quiet…. De man find heself and stand up like quite a man. He stap teking eye pass. No bady gon try to make him look like a fool.

He tek blows and share blows when he say nuff nuff thing. He say, “enough is enough.” Then he shut up, pack up his traps and leff dem to clean up dem mess. Today, de man is as happy as a lark and singing, “all a we NA one familee.” Me, I croaking with plenty more crap to pack….
All u know in dis country, dem bais looking fu nick name yu wid a false name. Nick is a familiar name but too close to de word neck and all u know ah like me neck, just like de neck in de fowl curry or curry chicken.

Is de same thing, yes? I is still a Guyanese in dis One Guyana. But ah like it with me dhal puri and all u know who does mek good dhal puri. Just ask de black pudden man, he know. He crave fu de same ting but de man too mix up. He na know if to stay or na stay in de cold. He can’t mek up his mind if to choose black or white pudden, hat or cold. De man get plenty kina. De man does switch color like fairy light, he doesn’t wait fu Christmas.

But plenty of dem getting up dear now and dey say, “make hay while de sun still shining.” Lang time done, shart time leff. When to start, dat is de question. To be, or not to be truthful? Dem elders getting worried. Some tink dey gon stick around forever just like how dey thought dey gon remain in power for ever. How dem go face de maker wid dem every day lies? Maybe, when dey go upstairs, dey gon confess when no bady around to hear dem. When dem downstairs, dey painting picture like Michael Angelo. When dem go upstairs, dem can’t paint any picture because Customs don’t allow any paint brush or oil paint on de flight.

Is de same ting dey talking about de oil. Oil get money but is funny how de honey na taste de same fu dem who want de oil fu stay below fu some other fellow.

Never mind a putting me neck on de block everyday fu those who laughing me behind me back. Don’t get me wrang. I ain’t get no share in any oil block. If I can’t afford to go to Barbados, yu tink I gon go to Texas?

A man like me got to look all around first, listen to everybody, think carefully and then before I make de rang move. Now a studying who really to satisfy, like a studying fu exam. Yu know, a get dis feeling dem only using me and dis Loo name is not good for fame. Is a lot of tings on me mind and everybody na so kind.

But right now, ah can’t concentrate nor hesitate, a get dis bowl an….. Well, we gon talk more later na….

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall.

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