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Indians, a Walking Dead Race in Trinidad

Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Indians in Trinidad are a walking dead race politically and culturally. The Trinidad Indians depend only on winning elections and cannot look for other solutions outside the electoral box. Once the election is lost and gone the Indians tend to just huff and puff for another 5 years.

The reason for the huff and puff politics is that the party that represent Indians and Indians think tanks do not have a well grounded political doctrine to address Indian systemic race. problems. Avoiding race issues has added to the Indian political downfall for the past 60 years of Trinidad Independence. The fact that Indians lose an election by good or bad deeds. does not mean Indians must behave like a walking. wandering dead race.

In the political culture where the Africans / Blacks took ownership of Trinidad for 50 years plus and kept denying 38% of the Indian population in Trinidad of their fair share of the national budget means Indians need to change their political software and agitate for some kind of serious decentralization to have control over them constituents by letting their opponents know Indians are alive and will do what is possible to be respected.

Systemic Racism is a plague that Indians face from White to Black Colonialism in Trinidad only because Indians are afraid to be awake politically and be more RADIOACTIVE to take what is rightfully theirs earned by their blood, sweat and tears. In Trinidad, Indians need REPARATIONS due to SYSTEMIC RACISM by BLACK RULE that prevent Indians right to equal. opportunities as the same as Slavery. Reparations for Indians is not about. only Slavery, it’s about the continuous injustices Indians face for the past 170 years in Trinidad due to Systemic Racism.

Indians must understand that ‘Rights’ are not guaranteed by the Constitution alone. Rights has to be fought for to get respect. The outcome of an elections does not mean. Indians must roll over and remain irrelevant in Trinidad.

May I ask this question? What if Indians ruled over Africans in Trinidad for 50 years out of 60 years of independence would the African population just sit and roll over waiting to be elected? Looking forward for your answers in the comment sections below Time for Indians to be RADIOACTIVE.

Vassan Ramracha.

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