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INDIANS IN THE CARIBBEAN and their Ancestral Civilization

Dear Editor

In response to a video on Indo Caribbeans, Cliff pens:

Honouring and expressing gratitude for our ancestral roots is a profound way to acknowledge the foundation of our existence. Our ancestors’ lives, sacrifices, and experiences have symbiotically conditioned our personalities and the persuasions that have paved the way for who and what we are today. We are the inheritors of their longing to break free from the bondage of serfdom and have honed our skills, resourcefulness and talent to reclaim their lost glory.

Indeed! The timeless genetic code and intelligence which characterized the
elemental fabric of our being can be traced to their ancient culture, traditions and the understanding that all life forms, animate and inanimate, are an intrinsic manifest expression of the divine force and omnipotent power, we call God.

Bharat Mata gave birth to great souls and spawned a civilization that looked
beyond the superficial as seekers of the imperishable truth to journey within
and free ourselves from the vicissitudes of life’s erratic drama. This pursuit
is about examining our spiritual, philosophical and existential inquiries to
better grasp and understand the deeper meaning of our individual existence
and purpose.

Island Hopping Chutney Style: How Indians Thrive in the Caribbean

The greatest gift of this human life is the ownership of our free will and the right to freedom of expression, which does not transgress on the rights of others to be culled because of cultural and racial indifference. Our ancient traditions have long strived to uncover the timeless truths that connect us to the essence of our being and the universal order. This unshackling enriches our lives and, in my opinion, contributes to humanity’s collective awakening and growth…with heartfelt compassion for one and all. Yet! we see how the world has become a cauldron of hate and oppression for those who are considered as being outliers on account of their ancestral traditions, culture and beliefs. The incomprehensible madness and brutish horror that are being inflicted on many innocent lives are despicable and appalling. Self-knowledge is liberating and free us from the bondage of cultish sectarian ignorance and demagogic obsessions.

Cliff Rajkumar

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