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Indo-Trini Awards Continue….

Lester Siddhartha Orie

Lester Siddhartha Orie

As promised in my first list of Awardees, and to appease those in panic-mode bothering that I left out deserving persons, here is that promised other ‘tranche’:

For Literature, the winner is Professor Kenneth Ramchand for being the embodiment and custodian of the subject for decades. Thus: Say Literature and you say Ramchand.

For Central Banking, the winner is former Governor of the Central Bank, Jwala Rambaran for keeping the economic ship of state afloat during his tenure.

For Economics, the winner is Dr. Vaalmikki Arjoon, for his avant garde, au courant exposition of the subject and rendering textbook economics to be subject to change and not something inflexible and anachronistic.

For Energy Affairs, the winner is Kevin Ramnarine, whose expertise in the field has made him a desired personnel for countries outside of T&T.

For Broadcasting, the winner is Sham G. Ali who has been the Voice in the media for decades now and who continues to be that Voice of Excellence.

For Dance, the winner is Michael Salickram who has included so much innovative pyrotechnics to his art form that India’s Zee TV is now associated with him.

It’s been said good things come in small packages which is indeed a truth as could be gleaned from these two lists of our celebrities. Such a list of towering personalities could not be jam-packed like sardines in a tin or like crabs in a barrel or ironically like indentured Indians on the Fatel Razack.

Thus, out of respect for all these personalities, I am giving elbow room via these exclusive placements thereby proving that we have come a long way from the days when our ancestors were treated as incidentals to be dumped on one another as if they were garbage in a landfill.

It is heartening that almost all the persons I have reached out to have responded positively for inclusion in this undertaking. It is something to feel proud about and that we don’t need some outsiders to tell us we belong but that we have the wherewithal to watch our backs, do it ourselves.

To make the cliché statement when one achieves something noteworthy, I also say I am humbled that a few persons – Unanan Persad, Abdool Ghany and Kamalo Deen – thought my name should make the list of recipients who are nominated for awards but my response is influenced by the adage that rivers do not drink their own water. However, I might yet get thirsty, who knows.

Please bear with me while I go cherry-picking which I am finding to be a most exciting venture and which is quite satisfying for me as this undertaking has moved from talking about to doing something about.

L. Siddhartha Orie.

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