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International Yoga Day 2023 from Mauritius


India offers humanity Yoga. After being established by the UN General Assembly in 2015, International Yoga Day is one of the proudest moments for India and the Indian millennial culture. It is commemorated on June 21 every year.

This year’s theme is “Yoga for Holistic Development.”

Yoga has evolved from being only a form of exercise to an effective vehicle for enhancing the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of people, communities, and nations. People may maintain their health, peace of mind, and relaxation by focusing on specific postures, breath control, and basic meditation.

Numerous health advantages—both physical and mental—come from regular practice. Some of these include:
reduction of chronic pains (such as headaches, chronic back pain, arthritis, and a tingling, numbing, or burning feeling);
improvement in muscular strength, flexibility, and endurance;
increased vigour, energy, and athletic performance.
It also aids in shedding fat, reduces blood pressure, manages diabetes, and treats other conditions.
Mentally, it reduces stress, calms the mind, eases sadness and anxiety, and enhances focus and emotional stability. The Covid-19 epidemic, which disrupted people’s lives globally and exacerbated psychological and mental health issues, is a striking example. Without the benefits of yoga, social isolation, despair, and other mental health issues would have become worse, increasing the number of fatalities.

Yoga encourages self-acceptance, self-love, and spiritual development, which helps people get a deeper understanding of who they are. A voyage of self-discovery, self-awareness cultivation, and equilibrium are all achieved.

The celebration of International Yoga Day is quite enthusiastic and widespread in Mauritius. Additionally, June 21st is commemorated as Music Day in numerous nations.

Through its cultural division, the IGCIC (Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture), the Indian High Commission promotes Yoga Day. International Yoga Day is observed at all educational institutions by the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science, and Technology. Clubs from a range of age groups and socio-cultural organizations make up private NGOs. Through AYU super specialize training, Meda Ayur Yoga Peetha regularly engages secondary schools and the general public in the north of the island with the aid of motivators and GOPIO international.

Language, cultural, and social boundaries are all transcended by yoga, which unifies individuals from all walks of life. Yoga may be practiced by everyone, regardless of their gender, age, physical condition, or worldview. It instills in people the moral principles, self-control, and love of nature and the environment that are so crucial for building a civil society.

Let’s embrace the spirit of peace and unity that yoga symbolizes as we commemorate International Yoga Day while enriching our own lives as well as the lives of those around us.

GOPIO International

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