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Is Trump another Guyana David Granger?

donald trump

Photo : President Donald Trump

I shudder to think, more so, to write about this ugly scenario that is now taking place in Washington D.C. where the incumbent President Donald Trump refuses to accept the will of the American people.

His behaviour and attitude is reminiscent of David Granger, President of Guyana who profusely refused to accept the March 2 election results. Just as how he has embarked on a series of court hearings against the ruling PPP/C government in Guyana, so too Trump has emulated Granger. My concern is who is teaching who, and for what reason. Granger is a master of political tricks, he inherited from dictator Forbes Burnham.

Photo : David Granger

Leaders come and leaders go, but the cause of the nation continues. We must not let the courts decide on the winner, rather it is the people of Guyana, and more recently, USA.

What are our leaders leaving for your young generation, our young leaders? Are they encouraging them to follow the path of truth, honesty and integrity?

Trump has now made the USA the laughing stock of the world. The USA had been ranked highly as the dispenser and despatcher of democracy and free and fair elections. What is the Carter’s Democracy for Free Elections, and the host of similar entities doing about the confusion that has now being impacted by Trump?

Democracy is at stake in USA. Caribbean leaders and other major multilateral agencies, principally the United Nations, should step in to return USA to democracy now; later will be too late.

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