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It is an issue of Black Bureaucracy not one on Economy

Vassan Ramracha

Vassan Ramracha

Dear Editor,

Vice President Bharat Jagdeo [ Guyana] recently felt confident enough to tell Trinidad a thing or too. Was he justified? Guyana is no longer a beggar mud nation; Guyana is rich in oil as Trinidad.

The Vice President ranted on how Trinidad disrespects Guyanese at the airport and how Trinidad is a failed state because of its one oil economy but it was all done by avoiding the RACE issue both in Trinidad and Guyana.

In Trinidad mostly Indo Guyanese’s were discriminated, at the Piarco airport not Blacks from other parts of the Caribbean. I am a personal witness to how Indo – Guyanese faced harsh treatment at Piarco airport. I can also testify how Guyanese faced harsh treatment from Trinidad’s bureaucracy in registering their kids for schooling.

Had the Government of Guyana [ PNC/PPP ] treated their own with respects, especially Indo – Guyanese other countries would have responded to them differently.


That Trinidad is a failed state is NOT because of their dependency only on oil, but it’s because of their dependency on a Black ruled government and a Black [African ] unqualified bureaucracy of all STATE ENTERPRIZES. Many educated Indians in Trinidad have complained about how their Black supervisors are not qualified, and seldom show up on time to do their jobs.

All Trinidad’s state enterprises – including oil industries,aliummin, cement, steel, fertilizer, airline,schools,and agricultural -rice, sugar , coffee etc. was control by a Black Government bureaucracy.


Why Guyana was a failed state (1964 1992) before the coming of oil, has to do with the same episodes that played out in Trinidad where the rice, sugar, bauxite ,gold,timber,Industries , etc was controlled by a Black Government and its Black bureaucracy while the PPP Communist Leaders gave critical support which killed the economy of Guyana.

In all the ups and downs in North America, American companies are hiring mostly Indians as their CEO because of their qualifications. Guyana, will be a fail state with its OIL MONIES if it follow the path of Trinidad.

Hire those on their merits and good work habits.

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