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Kamla pour scorn on Panday


Photo : Kamla Persad Bissessar

Dear Editor,

Kamla Persad Bissessar has once more poured scorn on the memory of Basdeo Panday when she failed to pay tribute to a former Prime Minister in Parliament. She insulted the citizens of this country when she allowed her puerile behavior to reflect her disdain for a man who served this country for more than 5 decades.

By permitting the member for Couva North to speak on behalf of herself and the UNC must have repulsed all current and former members of Parliament as the sanctity of the House was defiled by lower operatives attempting to contribute to a historical moment.

Thousands of former sugar workers and supporters of Mr. Panday must have felt insulted when the memory of a former Prime Minister was treated with utter disdain, scorn and contempt. Perhaps all those who wanted to, but could not attend the funeral, including those who felt it necessary to scale fences, must have felt a gut-wrenching moment as a national icon was treated with the final insult!

When a moment arose, Kamla Persad Bissessar could not stand and deliver again.

Rabindra Moonan.
San Fernando.

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