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Kamla’s Capacity Mirror Biden’s, Yet UNC Silent

Dr. Devant Maharaj

The public furor following the 2024 CNN Presidential Debate concerning President Biden’s capacity to lead the Democratic Party into the next US elections should be of interest to the supporters of the United National Congress as they should engage in similar scrutiny of the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

As the leader of the opposition in Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s declining health and diminishing capacity to effectively lead the United National Congress (UNC) party have become an open secret, yet her party members and the local media have failed to publicly adequately address these concerning issues. This is in stark contrast to the intense scrutiny and public uproar faced by President Joe Biden in the United States over his advanced age and apparent cognitive decline, the response to Kamla’s worsening condition has been one of relative silence and complacency.

While Biden’s stumbles, gaffes, and perceived lack of mental acuity have dominated American political discourse, leading even members of his own Democratic Party to question his suitability for re-election, Kamla’s UNC colleagues have steadfastly maintained their support, turning a blind eye to the clear signs of her diminishing capabilities and poor leadership decisions.

This glaring disparity in the way the health and capacity of these two political leaders are being addressed highlights the troubling double standard at play. It is a disturbing reflection of the UNC’s unwillingness to prioritize the well-being of the people of Trinidad and Tobago over the party’s political interests, as they cling to a leader whose physical and mental faculties appear to be rapidly deteriorating.

Despite reports of her irregular attendance in Parliament, mobility issues, and struggles with early morning engagements – all potential signs of declining physical and mental acuity – the Trinidadian media has remained eerily silent. This deafening lack of journalistic scrutiny stands in stark contrast to the intense spotlight shone on Biden, leaving the public in the dark about Kamla’s true fitness to lead. The people of Trinidad and Tobago deserve the same level of transparency and accountability from their media as their American counterparts, yet the failure to rigorously examine Kamla’s health concerns only serves to undermine democratic values and the public’s right to know.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s apparent decline contrasts with Prime Minister Keith Rowley who has exhibited a level of energy, engagement, and resilience. Rowley’s active presence in Parliament, his ability to participate in grueling early morning media interviews, and his visible physical stamina at public events project an image of a leader who remains vital and capable of meeting the demands of his office. This stark difference between Rowley’s vibrant leadership and Kamla’s apparent struggles only serves to further underscore the opposition leader’s diminishing capacities. Much like the contrast between the youthful vigor of former President Trump and the advanced age of President Biden in the United States, the divergent public perceptions of Rowley and Kamla’s physical and mental fitness could have profound implications for the political landscape in Trinidad and Tobago. While Trump’s supporters often touted his energetic rallies and brash persona as evidence of his superior capabilities, the reality is that Biden’s age and alleged cognitive decline have become a central point of contention. Similarly, Rowley’s robust public presence may bolster his standing, even as Kamla’s waning abilities raise doubts about her suitability to lead the opposition. The Trinidadian electorate deserves leaders who are unquestionably fit to govern, and the media must be willing to hold all politicians to that standard, regardless of party affiliations.

The time has come for the UNC and the Trinidadian media to confront this issue head-on, to put the country’s best interests first, and to hold Kamla Persad-Bissessar accountable for her increasingly evident inability to effectively lead the opposition. The people deserve leaders who are physically and mentally fit to tackle the pressing challenges facing the nation, and it is the responsibility of the UNC and the media to ensure that this standard is upheld.

Dr. Devant Maharaj, PhD, MBA

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