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Kamla’s small mind cannot win an election


Photo : Kamla Persad Bissessar

Is Dr. Keith Rowley all that bad a man that some of his political enemies would like to make him out to be? I doubt it very much. I know that he is a politician and being one does not bring out the best qualities in him. For example, his response to the question asked by Rodney Charles, MP for Naparima, was more comical than malicious.

Instead of judging Dr. Rowley by his tantrums, it would be better to judge him by his action in relation to uniting the PNM as a political force to govern this country. Rowley may be making blunders but the PNM always presents a united front as a political party and hence the readiness of the electorate to return it to power.

Rowley has demonstrated that he can let bygone be bygone. For example, both Penelope Beckles and Amery Browne who contested against him for political control of the PNM are today members of his Cabinet. Rowley may not have control over his emotions but he has a heart. Can the same be said about Kamla Persad Bissessar who continues to treat past UNC stalwarts that are critical of her policies as political lepers?

When Basdeo Panday formed the government in 1995, he buried his political differences with Winston Dookeran and Bhoe Tewarie and went on to appoint them as Governor of the Central Bank and Principal of the St Augustine Campus of The UWI respectively. Panday recognized them for their abilities and whatever past differences they had were set aside. And both Dookeran and Tewarie performed meritoriously much to the admiration of all. In fact, the expansion of The UWI that is seen today was initiated under the leadership of Bhoe Tewarie.

Unfortunately, Kamla Persad- Bissessar cannot do the same and open her arms to political stalwarts like Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, Mikela Panday, and Vasant Bharath among others. If Kamla and her minions have studied history, they would have known that nations prosper only after they have buried their difference and are united. Spain rose to global power in the 16th century after two waring kingdoms united and successfully rid their land of the Moors. This eventually led to the sponsorship of ships, men, and resources for the voyages to discover a sea route to India which led to the opening of the New World and opportunities for a declining Europe.

So, the next time UNC supporters want to pronounce on Dr. Rowley and label him raging bull and wajang, they should look at the petty mindedness of their political leader whose mean behavior is an open book that all see except them.

Dr Rowley so far has never projected a holier than thou moral high ground by firing members of his Cabinet for the slightest charge of impropriety or misbehavior in public office by every Paula and John. Can the same be said about Kamla? Was there any legal ground for the dismissal of so many of her Cabinet members – Jack Warner, Collin Partap, Glenn Ramadharsingh, Herbert Volney, Anand Ramlogan, etc?

Do you wish to know the qualification to serve under Kamla?  It is not much- never criticize the political leader but shower praises on her. Also, when you take to the podium always shout to the top of your voice “the best Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.”

By Anderson Ramcharran

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